Page 2 - RFDS TASMANIA - Senior Health Studies presentation _ Final Version v4_Neat
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John Kirwan
CEO Tasmanian Section
John Kirwan was appointed as the inaugural CEO of the Royal
Flying Doctor Service Tasmania in January 2015.
He was formerly CEO of the Launceston General Hospital (LGH) CEO of the
Northern Area Health Service (NAHS) and from 2012 – 2014 CEO of the Tasmanian Health Organisation
– North (THO-N).
John has over 40 years of IR, HR and operational health experience. He has been the Commissioner for Public
Employment in the Northern Territory, the Executive General Manger responsible for the Acute, Community,
Public and Aboriginal Health areas of the Health Department of Western Australia (HDWA), and the General
Manager responsible for Health Workforce Reform in HDWA. He was a full time health industry, union official in
Western Australia for 14 years and a Vice President of the WA Trades and Labor Council.
John holds Fellowships of the Institute of Public Administration Australia and the Australian Human Resources
John was a Vice President of the Launceston Chamber of Commerce and is a board member and chair of the
Chambers Community Service and Health Committee, John is also a board member of Masonic Care Tasmania.