Page 18 - Bullion World Volume 02 Issue 08 September 2022_Neat
P. 18

Bullion World | Volume 2 | Issue 09 | September 2022

           Malabar Gold -

           “Local International Brand”

                                                                               programme.  Cultural diversity and
                                                                               function-specified training, make it
                                                                               even more conducive for a healthy
                                                                               working atmosphere.

                                                                               Can you elaborate on Malabar’s
                                                                               group vision of the 'Make in
                                                                               India, Market to the World’
                                                                               We have always claimed ourselves
                                                                               to be a “Local International Brand”,
                                                                               why so you may ask?  Our roots
                                                                               are from a country filled with rich
                                                                               culture, history and diversity.  As
                                    Mr M.P. Ahamed                             jewellers, we can showcase our
                          Chairman, Malabar Gold and Diamonds                  very rich cultural assortment

                                                                               through the various jewellery
           Your company was conferred        have been our support and impetus   artefacts we produce.  The more
           the Most Preferred Workplace      for our growth, In short, they have   we reach out to the world outside
           Award-2022-23 by Team             been our pillar of strength.  We in   our security zones, the more we
           Marksmen. What are the            Malabar Group term our workforce   can contribute to the country and
           initiatives at Malabar that stand   as “MTM (Management Team        to society altogether.  By and large,
           out and are appreciated by        Members)”, this is so because every   our concept will foster job growth,
           employees                         MTM’s provided with an Investor/  innovation, and skill development
           Malabar Group has over 15,000     Management opportunity gathered   in the country. It would be prudent
           workforces around the globe.  They   with an employee engagement    to say our Analogy of “Local

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