Page 20 - Bullion World Volume 02 Issue 08 September 2022_Neat
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Bullion World | Volume 2 | Issue 09 | September 2022
Established in 1960, BVC Logistics With the sheer size of customers anyday. Book pickups, register
is India’s largest secure logistics across the globe and the volume complaints, make changes to their
enterprise, securing over 50% of of high value goods being handled, bookings, know the status of their
India’s international & domestic it was highly imperative to create shipment and so much more. Most
trade of diamond and jewellery. a seamless interface for customer of all, it has allowed BVC and its
BVC has carved a niche within interaction. For this, the integration customers to come closer to
high-value goods logistics and of technology and continued digital each other and ensure seamless
is acknowledged as a stalwart in transformation within the company communication, especially when
valuable asset movement solutions was key. Hence, BVC introduced a custom shipping solution is
& is the most preferred logistics WhatsApp as a primary medium of required.
partner for the industry. It is on a communication with its customers.
mission to scale rapidly and set The pilot project was successfully BVC will also add multiple features
global benchmarks in high value completed and today is used by to its WhatsApp channel and will
logistics. over 500 customers globally to eventually become a channel for
interact with BVC on a daily basis. the industry to know more about
BVC has grown exponentially, These 500 customers have switched government policy changes, import
expanding their offices, team, to WhatsApp completely and have duty related changes, logistics real-
solutions and customers and eliminated email as a medium of time information and much more.
are now trusted by over 30,000 communication with the company. BVC aims to continue on its path
businesses through the jewellery of digital transformation and will
value chain consisting of miners, The BVC bot on WhatsApp has roll out many such features that
manufacturers, wholesalers, increased the efficiency of jewellers are directly connected to customer
retailers & e-tailers. BVC has grown for their pickups, pricing happiness in the coming days. The
from 8 cities in 2013 to over 500 and service information. Pickups are Brand aims to ensure that shipping
cities, servicing over 10,000 pin automated for existing customers remains the competitive advantage
codes in India and across 130 via BVC Bot and jewellers who seek for its 30,000 customers globally.
countries for secure logistics. secure logistics solutions are guided
Today, the company today has through by BVC’s automated bot to - BVC Logistics
become synonymous with logistics connect to the right person in 3
and security in the jewellery clicks which converts several hours
industry covering end-to-end & days of waiting time to seconds.
logistics, security, investments and It took a total of 4 weeks for the
technology under its wings. From company to roll out this pilot project
having a team of less than 200, and completely integrate WhatsApp
BVC has grown to more than 1500 into the system, communicate it to
individuals across India, Singapore customers and onboard them.
and Hong Kong. BVC has also
expanded its verticals to secure The Whatsapp bot has enabled
solutions for luxury goods & Fine customers with the ability to
Art. communicate with BVC anytime,