Page 24 - Bullion World Volume 02 Issue 08 September 2022_Neat
P. 24

Bullion World | Volume 2 | Issue 09 | September 2022

           Mr Philip Newman: Can you please explain about                          Excerpts of Online Speech
           Gold Strom FATE model?                                                  by Mr David Gornall
           Mr Ramkumar Chandrasekharan: Foundry,                                   Senior Consultant, LBMA
           Analysis, Trade, and Export (FATE). We have a formal
           onboarding process for any mine. It involves KYC,                       Congratulations to all the
           mine-site visits, and an analysis of the challenges                     stakeholders for making IIBX
           faced. It is not only for mines but also for aggregators                go live. The launch of the
           and export licensed holders. It can be adapted for                      exchange marks an important
           refiners and also for miners from other countries.                      milestone which reinforces
                                                              India’s position as the major consumer of gold apart
           We plan to expand the model to the rest of west Africa.   from providing greater and wider market access.
           We plan to move to Indonesia in 2023.              Bringing the consumer and suppliers under the
                                                              regulated exchange framework would transform IIBX
           Mr Philip Newman: Minister, you mentioned about    as an official marketplace.
           Minerals Commission and Alternative Livelihood
           project. Could you please elaborate?               It is worth mentioning that this is the first time that any
                                                              gold exchange has introduced pre-funded metal and
           Hon. Dr Kwabena Okyere-Darko Mensah: Minerals      currency accounts in order to bring about the idea of                   Sovereign Metals Limited is in the
           Commission is responsible for the regulation and   the same day based settlements. LBMA hopes to have                     business of refining precious metals
           management of mineral resources. Alternative       a second London Good Delivery refiner along with a                        (gold and silver) and supplying
           livelihood projects are programs to support small-scale   bullion bank that participates in gold auctions which            highest and most consistent quality
           miners. There is a lot of informality in the ASM sector.   is yet to be realized. After receiving and reviewing            products and related services and
           As a result, traceability is a challenge. Bank of Ghana’s   the feedback from potential refiners on non-technical          solution to customers at their place
           gold purchase program is one of the formalization   eligibility criteria for LBMA London Good Delivery                      of convenience by leveraging its
           programs to support ASM. As you are aware, there   Status a review of these criteria would be conducted                    competent and customer-focused
           are illegal mining activities in Ghana. When we banned   in the coming months that will include the current £15            human resources, industry-leading
           illegal gold mining, we had to provide an alternative   million total net worth level.  Alongside the annual                 technology infrastructure and
           mechanism for these people to support their livelihood.  ten metric ton production floor for those gold refiners
           So, we help them with opportunities in other sectors   who also produce a significant tonnage of silver would                   transparent and globally
           such as afforestation, and so on. The University of   be looked into. To make LBMA membership more                           compliant-sourcing practices.
           Mines Technology trains Some of these people on the   relevant in global precious metal space membership
           safe mining process, mercury-free mining, and so on.   criteria would also be looked into.                                  Sovereign Metals Limited would
           Mr Philip Newman: Nick, where do you think the                                                                            pursue environmentally sustainable
           industry would be five years from now?             Three months pilot scheme of the Gold Bar Integrity                     manufacturing practices and would
           Mr Nick Spencer: At the moment there is only one   Programme jointly implemented by LBMA and WGC                             strive to be a world leader in its
           mine. Five years from now, five mines each with a   which aims at increasing transparency, accessibility,                     chosen segment from India.
           production of two tonnes each per year is a possibility.   and fungibility of gold across the industry has been
           Execution is very challenging in India. India could move  completed involvement of a selected group of mines,
           to 100 tonnes per year from 20 mines 15 years down   refiners, mints, banks, and vaults, as well as one
           the line.                                          exchange and a retailer in order to test the attributes
                                                              of the two block chain-based systems being trialed.
           Mr Philip Newman: Minister, could you share some   Gold Bar Integrity Programme would not be limited to               
           of the challenges faced in organizing the sector?  just London large bars but will also be extended to all
           Hon. Dr Kwabena Okyere-Darko Mensah: The main      production from LBMA good delivery refiners
           goal of ASM, which contributes 43% of gold production
           in Ghana, is to create jobs. ASM creates between one   Another initiative between LBMA and WGC is
           million to 2 million jobs. Community mining has created  to establish a working group with key industry
           50,000 jobs.                                       participants to help define and align the definition of
                                                              sustainability for the industry. The association would
           Challenges- Some of the mines do not follow sound   like to see more of you within the membership and the
           mining practices. The government has banned mining   good delivery list as you are and will remain a hugely
           in riverbeds and mining in forest areas. This is to   important part of the market. Thank you and all the
           protect the environment and ensure sustainability.   best to you
           Investment in the ASM sector is another challenge.

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