Page 19 - Bullion World Volume 02 Issue 08 September 2022_Neat
P. 19

Bullion World | Volume 2 | Issue 09 | September 2022

                                             has been and will always remain   Diamonds’ has engaged with the
                                             to be a pressing need of the hour   likes of IBM, Deloitte and Accenture
                                             for the second largest jewellery-  to explore and exploit this avenue.
                                             consuming country, such as India.
                                             When the international spot rate   What are the factors you
                                             required to arrive at the gold rate   think accelerate the growth of
                                             is uniform, the customs duty is the   Organized Jewellery Retail in
                                             same in the country, and GST also   India?
                                             being consistent, we thought, why   The answer is in the very question,
                                             can’t the gold rate also be uniform,   having unorganised players
                                             in the country? This gave birth to   in the market is the first and
                                             the Malabar Gold’s “One India One   foremost incumbent that needs
           International Brand” goes hand in   Gold rate”.                     to be done away with, for the
           hand with the government’s “Make                                    organised sectors to accelerate
           in India” programme.              Though India has come a long way   growth, amongst others. The
                                             in regulating certain aspects of this   gems and jewellery sector plays
           Malabar has announced             industry such as single Taxation on   a significant role in the Indian
           huge investments of around        Gold (Pan India), Quality Standards   economy, contributing around
           9500 crores. Where and how        of Jewellery (to compete in the   7% to the country’s GDP and
           the investments would be          International Markets), we are still   15% to India’s total merchandise
           distributed?                      far away from being regulated     export. It employs over 4.64 million
           The investments are panned out    and having a standardised trading   people and is expected to grow
           to be utilised (a) Set up of a state-  platform                     exponentially. One of the fastest
           of-the-art manufacturing plant (b)                                  growing sectors, it is extremely
           Retail expansions-In India and    Role of e-commerce growing in     export-oriented and labour-
           Globally (c) Workforce Investment  complementing Brick and Mortar   intensive. But even as Indians
                                             Jewellery Retailing?              prefer to invest in the yellow metal,
           You had planned for investments   It is an undoubted fact that the   a battle between the organised and
           for establishing gold jewellery   craze for online shopping is at   unorganised players is intense and
           manufacturing units in            an all-time high in the jewellery   is picking up pace. At present 5%–
           Telangana? What motivated         industry and is trending upward.   10% of India’s gold manufacturing
           Malabar to invest in such a       Many consumers opt to shop online  sector could be deemed as being
           facility when most retail jewellers   today not only because of the time   “organised” large-scale facilities;
           prefer asset-light models?        convenience but also due to the   10 years ago these would have
           For us the end justifies the means.    variety of options they can get.   barely existed.  The government
           By that we imply, that when a state   There is a general sense of saving   needs to lay emphasis on (a) the
           government is forthcoming in terms   money while shopping online.  An   reduction of import duty – amongst
           of (a) ease of doing business, (b)   Online store is Pandora’s Box of   the highest in the world (b) a Curb
           exemptions/incentives conducive   Collections, combined.            on Smuggling via the introduction
           to our industry and business (c) job                                of various e-governance norms and
           creativity (d) Infrastructure support,   If a potential customer visiting the   procedures (c) the Utilisation of
           then why not?  These factors play   online store does not make any   house-held jewellery for cheaper
           a vital role in ascertaining the   purchases immediately, an online   material sourcing (d)Government
           business models one needs to      brand can still influence their   intervention on robust pricing
           undertake.                        buying decisions in the future. The   methodologies/ introduction pricing
                                             concept of driving quality traffic to   platforms like Gold Exchanges, to
           Can you tell me about the 'One    one’s store cannot be overlooked   mention a few.
           India One Rate' initiative for    with the amount of competition in
           gold?                             the retail jewellery industry. In view
           “One India One Price” for Gold rate   of the above, Malabar Gold and

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