Page 26 - Bullion World Volume 3 Issue 9 September 2023_Neat
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Bullion World | Volume 3 | Issue 9 | September 2023

           More than 1000 offline delegates   already the single largest consumer   manufacturing techniques, which
           from 400 companies and 180,000    of PGMs globally at ~25% of total   create opportunities a range of new
           views online marked a milestone   platinum demand. After the main   and innovative designs.
           for Shanghai Platinum Week after   SPW event, WPIC joined dignitaries
           three years of growth. This clearly   at the inaugural PPMC Summit at   Trevor Raymond, CEO of WPIC,
           emphasises the scale and draw of   the Lin-Gang Special Area. This   stated that platinum group metals
           the event. Planning for SPW 2024 is   strengthens the ties between Lin-  (PGMs) would continue to help the
           already well underway, with the event   Gang and SPW which is expected to   world address climate challenges,
           scheduled to take place between   grow further in the coming years.  particularly through reducing
           Monday, 8 July and Friday 12 July,                                  harmful emissions. This aligns
           2024.                             Strong engagement across the      with China's commitment towards
                                             PGM industry was a feature of     decarbonisation, which will generate
           Representing the respective       SPW.  Feedback indicates that the   significant demand for PGMs. The
           governments of China, the UK and   event provided multiple networking   "decarbonization challenge" was a
           South Africa, SPW 2023 received   opportunities unique to the event.   popular topic at the event. Ji Zhouli at
           speeches from Yuan Guohua (Deputy   Senior management from PGM      the Nanjing Fiberglass Research and
           Secretary of the Party Working    producers Anglo American and      Design Institute emphasized that the
           Committee of Lin-gang New Area),   Northam Platinum attended SPW,   green and low carbon development
           Ma Xingfa (Member of the Standing   where met with existing customers   would require continued growth
           Committee of the Shanghai CPPCC),   and developed new relationships   in fiberglass production which in
           Sohail Shaikh (Sector Director and   with other industry participants.   return would bring more demand
           Minster Counsellor, UK DFIT), and   Consumers of platinum represented   for platinum in the future. Wang Ju,
           Phuti Tsipa (South African Consul   a wide spectrum of end uses – from   Secretary-General of the International
           General to Shanghai, China). This   catalyst manufactures, through   Hydrogen Fuel Cell Association,
           highlights the level of support SPW   pharmaceuticals, to hydrogen related   revealed that over 30 countries
           receives across national, regional and   technologies. An example would   worldwide have formulated roadmaps
           local government.                 be fuel cell producer Hyprin, which   and development plans for hydrogen
                                             attended as delegates as well as   fuel cells. Benny Oeyen, Executive
           Further support for SPW comes     exhibitors, showcasing one of their   General Manager of PGM Market
           from the local government of      fuel cells outside of the auditorium.   Development at Anglo American plc,
           Shanghai’s Lin-Gang Special Area.                                   highlighted that PGMs are essential
           An international PGMs Technology   Other exhibitors presented platinum   catalysts for hydrogen production and
           and Trade Centre (PPMC) was       products that ranged jewellery to   would continuously contribute the
           established in Lin-Gang in September   bars and coins. One of the most   human society.
           2022 with the target of promoting   interesting developments in platinum
           the use of PGMs in China, which is   jewellery fabrication is electroforming

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