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Bullion World | Volume 3 | Issue 9 | September 2023
IIJS Premier 2023: India's Leading B2B
Jewellery Exhibition Sets An Optimistic Outlook
for the Swarna Adarsh Abhiyaan
Ms Khushi Verma, Eventell Global Advisory Pvt. Ltd.
The Indian International Jewellery This year the IIJS Premiere is ease of fully digital badges, making
Show (IIJS) Premier 2023 proved simultaneously organised at two their participation seamless and
to be a resounding success, venues - the Jio World Convention environmentally friendly.
establishing itself as the country's Centre (JWCC) from 3rd to 7th
premier business-to-business (B2B) August, and the Bombay Exhibition One of the major highlights was the
jewellery exhibition. Held over a Centre (BEC) from 4th to 8th dedicated stall of the World Gold
span of five days, from August 3rd August. Combined, these venues Council (WGC), showcasing the
to August 8th, the event garnered will accommodate 3,250 stalls Swarna Adarsh Abhiyaan (SAA)
attention for its bustling atmosphere and welcome 1,850 exhibitors, initiative. This marked a significant
and impressive turnout. This covering an expansive area of milestone by attracting a remarkable
prestigious event brings together 70,000+ sq. mtrs of Exhibition number of delegates and connecting
the gems and jewellery industry area. As the curtains rise on IIJS with various industry stakeholders.
for an extraordinary showcase Premiere 2023, the gems and Shri Sunil Barthwal, Commerce
of excellence, innovation, and jewelry industry gears up for an Secretary, Department of Commerce,
sustainability. IIJS Premiere 2023 unparalleled event, showcasing engaged with the senior executives of
promises to be the largest gathering exquisite craftsmanship, cutting- the World Gold Council to discuss on
of domestic and international edge designs, and a commitment to the coming India’s Gold jewelry SRO
buyers, offering Indian jewellery environmental sustainability. In line framework.
manufacturers an unparalleled with its commitment to sustainability A remarkable 75 Expressions Of
platform to connect with retailers and and convenience, IIJS Premiere Interest (EOI’s) were signed for SAA
explore product design and demand 2023 took a giant leap towards eco- during the event, demonstrating the
trends. consciousness by going completely immense attention and enthusiasm
paperless. Attendees enjoyed the garnered by the initiative.