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Bullion World | Volume 3 | Issue 9 | September 2023
The emphasis on renewables and Africa. The SPW aims to strengthen and the quality of the information
sustainability globally sparked exchanges and cooperation between imparted. SPW is very much
contemplation among attendees China and South Africa. established as a key annual fixture
about the future of the PGMs for the platinum industry, especially
industry. Simon Wang, a senior The SPW 2023 also witnessed in the context of reaching a unique
manager at Johnston Matthey China, the release of the Chinese version audience. Consequently, we expect
noted that renewable resources of the "Global PGMs Yearbook future events to attract ever more
would gradually replace fossil fuels. 2023" and the "China Platinum & industry participants.
Linda Hu, General Manager of Palladium Yearbook 2023." They
Heraeus in China, proposed that the provided updates on the global and Through Shanghai Platinum Week,
PGMs industry needs to establish China market supply and demand. we observed the eagerness of
new industry standards in line with The National Group Standard for the Chinese PGM industry to
sustainable development strategies. "Platinum Investment Bars" was also integrate into the global market
released, playing an important role and the opportunities that China's
China is the world's largest in promoting the Chinese platinum commitment to decarbonisation
consumer and importer of PGMs, investment market. presents for the international PGMs
accounting for nearly 30% of global industry. The SPW aims to improve
consumption. South Africa is the These initiatives, along with the cooperation and communication,
world's largest mining producer, futures contract plan, demonstrated enhance the sustainable development
accounting for about 70% of global China's effort to further develop its of the global PGMs industry, and
primary supply. There is great PGMs trading market. The SPW also empower the development of
potential for cooperation between included important workshops, such emerging industries, according to
the two countries. The SPW has as the "LPPM Good Delivery and the key sponsors WPIC and Anglo
received high attention and support Accreditation Workshop" sponsored American plc.
from the South African Ministry by the WPIC and the "Interpretation
of Mineral Resources and PGM on China's Economic and Trade Signing off, we would like to thank
mining companies. Ms. Phuti Tsipa, Policies for international executives" our co-sponsors of SPW 2023, China
Consul General of the Republic of co-sponsored by the Shanghai Gold Association, China Precious
South Africa in Shanghai, stated Municipal Commission of Commerce. Metal Industrial Committee and Anglo
that China's "dual-carbon" target American plc. For more information
will bring significant opportunities This year’s SPW impressed with the on SPW, please visit
for employment and investment in breadth of topics discussed as well
the PGMs mining industry in South as the wide variety of the exhibits,
Short bio:
Edward Sterck, Director of Research, WPIC
Edward’s career has encompassed more than 20 years in a
combination of mining and finance roles. He is a graduate in geology
from the Royal School of Mines and a Fellow of the Geological Society.