Page 32 - Bullion World Volume 3 Issue 9 September 2023_Neat
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Bullion World | Volume 3 | Issue 9 | September 2023

           This impressive figure underscores   crucial role in drawing people to the   its position as India's top B2B
           the industry's receptiveness to   WGC stall, generating curiosity and   jewelry event, providing a platform
           responsible gold practices and the   encouraging attendees to learn more   for the Swarna Adarsh Abhiyaan to
           positive impact they can have on the   about the initiative.        showcase its brilliance. This event
           sector.                           The 39th edition of IIJS Premiere   underscored the critical role that
                                             2023, organized by the Gem &      industry gatherings play in fostering
           It offered the representatives of   Jewellery Export Promotion Council   connections, promoting sustainable
           the Centre Of Excellence (COE) of   (GJEPC), concluded with an      practices, and driving positive
           SAA, an opportunity to engage with   overwhelming response generating   change.
           industry stakeholders. The occasion   its highest-ever business of over Rs.
           presented an opportune moment     70,000 crore for the trade. The IIJS
           for delegates and stakeholders    Premier 2023 exhibition has solidified
           from the jewelry industry to
           participate in constructive dialogues
           and interactions, hundreds of
           stakeholders had the chance to
           interact with the team and learn
           about the initiative's goals, and
           explore potential collaborations that
           align with responsible gold sourcing.

           The Swarna Adarsh Abhiyaan at the
           exhibition was clearly conspicuous,
           its presence was undeniable and
           drew attention from all attendees.
           Strategically placed banners,
           posters, and video advertisements
           showcasing the initiative caught
           the attention of attendees from all
           corners of the event. It played a

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