Page 16 - Bullion World Volume 02 Issue 01 May 2022_Neat
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Bullion World | Volume 2 | Issue 01 | May 2022
affix the CCM (common control and has the potential to double the
mark) of the Vienna Convention, in exports over the medium term.
addition to our existing 4 hallmark
logos / HUID marks. However, to be a member of the
Vienna Convention on hallmarking
Benefits of joining the Vienna of precious metal articles, the BIS
Convention: needs to work closely with the
The Vienna Convention on Ministry of Consumer Affairs. The
hallmarking started in 1975 is a BIS should initiate contacts with
strict international protocol for the Convention and understand the
3rd party certification of jewellery way forward.
articles, wherein the goods
hallmarked and exported by one Readiness of the country to join
country are accepted in another the Vienna Convention: There are 51 laboratories in India
country without retesting. India has the relevant hallmarking accredited by NABL as per IS
rules and regulations in place 17025: 2017, in the subgroup of
Joining the convention will also to protect the hallmark logos precious metals testing, out of
provide export opportunities to the and CCM logos from misuse which 41 are fire assay labs located
bigger markets. With easy access and duplication. Regarding inside BIS licensed gold refineries.
to the markets of the 21 Vienna infrastructure for Vienna convention Another 10 fire assay labs are
convention countries, the potential Hallmarking, the mandatory at BIS recognized hallmarking
for exports may increase by nearly requirement for empanelment is centres, which are located in the
100%, as against our existing top that the hallmarking centre shall be main exporting locations of India.
four jewellery export destinations, accredited as per IS 17025: 2017, And many of these entities. can
i.e., UAE, USA, Hong Kong and which is done by NABL in India, be enlisted to join the Vienna
Singapore. We estimate that gold with affiliation to ILAC, Singapore, Convention on hallmarking within
jewellery exports could increase by and is accepted globally for its a short span of India joining the
nearly one-third within two years credibility. Vienna Convention.
of India joining the Convention