Page 18 - Bullion World Volume 02 Issue 01 May 2022_Neat
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Bullion World | Volume 2 | Issue 01 | May 2022
Highlights of 5 Annual IGPC-IIMA
Annual Gold & Gold Markets Conference
2022 - April 11-12
The 5th Annual IGPC-IIMA Annual among households in the income
Gold & Gold Markets Conference range of 2-10 lakh rupees,
was held physically with many consuming an average of 56%
enthusiastic participants from of the volume; (b) Analysis of
the industry. The conference the savings behaviour within the
started with a release of National various income class reveals that
Household Gold Consumption for income class having annual
survey results by IIMA (IGPC) income below 10 lakhs, savings
and PRICE. The survey had a is security, stable returns and the
lot of interesting insights. Some future of their family and kids.
snippets from the survey are-(a) Hence, they prefer either safe-
Across the years, the majority of haven – gold and gold products
the consumption is concentrated or secured government products