Page 19 - Bullion World Volume 02 Issue 01 May 2022_Neat
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Bullion World | Volume 2 | Issue 01 | May 2022

           like bank FDs, PPF, LIC, post office
           savings, etc., with minimal risk.
           For income class with an annual
           income above 10 lakhs, upper-
           middle and rich, savings are
           gains over their extra earnings,
           additional idle money & capital
           gain. Hence, they prefer investment
           in stock/shares, derivatives and
           real estate. The risk is high, but
           returns are high. Thus, it can be
           said that the higher the income,   related purchases evidently are   The Domestic and International
           the more the risk-taking capacity;   more in the festive season; one   Bullion Exchange workshop
           (c) Another vital observation was   could relate to Akshaya Tritya and   addressed all the significant queries
           Gold consumption wasn’t affected   Dhanteras. About 30 to 35% is    raised during the exchange setup.
           by demonetisation or GST. In the   discretionary spending confirmed   For International Exchange, the
           last five years, at least 74% of the   by buying gold; (f) In the Gold   discussion revolved around the
           Households confirmed buying Gold   sale behaviour; the study showed   standard operating procedure and
           and cash is the most preferred    that meeting financial needs,     remittance of US dollars that had
           way to transact; (d) Irrespective   medical emergencies and lifting   to be given to the IFSC for Gold
           of the income class, there is a   social status are the top reasons   Import. The RBI would probably
           visible differentiation created for a   to sell gold and jewellery stores   come up with the SOP of dollar flow
           reason for owning gold is the same.   are the default destination to sell   through the IFSC area, after which
           Although marginal, the intrinsic   Gold. So, one very suggestion    the main concern will be about
           value is seen as more important   that was added to this survey was   how the import will take place. A
           than the possessional value; (e)   jewellery stores could become the   couple of other questions asked at
           Based on the consumption pattern,   central point for Gold Monetisation   the workshop were: What value can
           weddings and festivals contribute   Scheme.                         the exchange give to the qualified
           to 65 to 70 % of the reasons for
           jewellery purchase. Investment-

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