Page 23 - Bullion World Volume 02 Issue 01 May 2022_Neat
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Bullion World | Volume 2 | Issue 01 | May 2022
him, it is the need of the hour The Center of Excellence (CoE)
to integrate the industry and team of SAA participated in the
develop a mechanism to protect GJS, met more than 450 jewellers,
the consumer’s interest. This can and did an excellent job in word-
only be achieved by adopting a of-mouth marketing (WOMM). The
structured operational procedure team of CoE met with Benjamin
that will build confidence in the Beh, Head of Legal APAC &
consumers. Supporting the concept Ajit Mauskar, Director of India,
of an SRO, he gave examples of WGC, and updated them about the
proven records of success in India success of the awareness program.
of AMFI & MahaREGA. Later, he
also explained that the idea of The four-day event was an overall
SRO will be to have a minimum success in creating awareness
government with maximum about the Abhiyaan. The team of
governance, which will result in CoE expect the movement will
faster implementation with greater come stronger with an additional
acceptance. course time.
Mr Srivatsva G, Director & CEO The show provided the best
of Eventell Global Advisory Pvt platform to create awareness
ltd, later delivered a presentation about the Abhiyaan. As part of the
on the need for SAA. He said that promotion campaign and to give
the Indian gold industry is valued more visibility to the participants
approximately at 4.5 lakh crore about the SAA, banners, flyers,
rupees consisting of 25% from and video & audio presentations
organised players & 75% from regarding the Abhiyaan were
unorganised players. It is highly displayed across the exhibition. The
fragmented and lacks equality trade visitors were given pamphlets
& professionalism. According to of 7 RGIPs.