Page 10 - Bullion World Volume 03 Issue 07 July 2022
P. 10

Bullion World | Volume 2 | Issue 07 | July 2022

                                             The Senior Management is          and rituals, leading to a high demand
                                             committed to drive SAM’s overnance   for gold jewellery in the Indian
                                             and Compliance standards to an    markets during the wedding and
                                             even higher level. This commitment   festival seasons. India’s total gold
                                             applies to our relationships with   demand was 797.3 tonnes in 2021,
                                             customers, partners, suppliers,   showing a significant jump of 78.6%
                                             vendors, employees, competitors,   as compared to the previous year.
                                             consultants, and investors, and the   Further, the jewellery demand during
                                             public at large. It is our Policy to   2021 increased by 93% to 610.9
                                             conduct our affairs in accordance   tonnes, compared to 315.9 tonnes
                                             with all applicable laws, rules, and   in 2020.
                                             regulations of the jurisdictions in
                                             which we do business or seek to do   Switzerland was the larger exporter
                                             business, as well as with industry   of gold to India in 2021 with a
                                             best practices and standards.     quantity of 469.66 tonnes, followed
                                                                               by UAE (120.16 tonnes), South
           documented sequence of custody of   Can you give your views about   Africa (71.68 tonnes) and Guinea
           material as it moves along the supply   the Gold Bullion business to India   (58.72 tonnes). Under the CEPA,
           chain. The RJC’s CoC Standard     before and after CEPA.            India has extended UAE a 1%
           defines the requirements for creating   UAE and India have long-standing   custom duty concession for up to
           a CoC of precious metals that are   cultural, religious, and economic ties   200 tonnes of gold imports. As a
           responsibly produced, processed,   that have fostered a healthy     result of this concession, the import
           and traded through supply chains,   strategic relationships between the   of gold bullion from UAE will provide
           and that are third-party assured at   two nations. Over the years, UAE   Indian traders with a significant
           every stage. The Chain of Custody   and India have become strong    commercial advantage with respect
           certification provides a guarantee   trading partners, currently having a   to the tariff India charges rest of the
           of the integrity of our products and   bilateral trade of about $60 billion.   world. Thus, over time, UAE has the
           materials – allowing us to tell the   Now, with the newly implemented  potential to replace Switzerland as
           complete story about how they were   Comprehensive Economic         the largest gold exporter to India.
           sourced, traced, and processed,   Partnership Agreement (CEPA), it is   In the coming times, SAM Precious
           from mine to retail.              expected that trade between the two  Metals, with its highly quality

                                             countries will reach $100 billion   products and strong international
           SAM’s vision includes creating    dollars in the non-oil sector within   reputation, will play a significant role
           a support system for the Gold     the next few years.               in providing the Indian market with
           and Precious Metals Industry                                        access to sustainable supply of gold
           organisations to be compliant with   India is one of the larger consumers   bullion and contributing to bringing
           Responsible Sourcing. Thus, SAM   of gold in the world, with India's gold   the benefits of CEPA to the Indian
           Precious Metals has led various   imports ranging to 1,067.72       precious metals traders.
           initiatives to raise awareness on   tonnes in 2021. India's gold demand
           Responsible Supply Chain, Human   is driven by a wide range of factors,
           Rights, and AML/CFT. SAM has      with cultural affinity, longstanding
           worked with a wide variety of     customs and festive gifting traditions
           stakeholders, providing support   playing an important role. Indian
           in developing improved regulatory   have historically considered gold as
           outcomes and a strong Responsible   an important investment instrument,
           Sourcing culture within the Gold   treating it as a hedge against
           and Precious Metals Industry. The   inflation. In India, gold is regarded
           focus is to prevent shortcomings,   as auspicious and sacred, which
           identify issues before they become a   many believe brings wealth and
           concern, and lead to more efficient   good fortune and thus, plays an
           compliance solutions.             important role in various ceremonies

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