Page 13 - Bullion World Volume 04 Issue 07 July 2023_Neat
P. 13
Bullion World | Volume 3 | Issue 7 | July 2023
Questions to Mr Amol Kulkarni nanowires and how do you deal with the complexities of
You mentioned that a 10-gram silver nanowire would these nanowires?
cost about 1lakh rupees, is this the reduced cost or the
final cost? And, how much grams of silver is used in the Complexities arise only when there is some issue with
making of mobile devices? the synthesis of nanowires. And yes, patenting is being
done as there is a lot of competition in this segment.
The figures provided in the presentation are the Silver nanowires are process-oriented which means
approximate costs. Silver nanowires can cost up to 60- complexities will arise if there is a fault in your process.
150$ if bought in bulk and costs about 100$ if bought in
smaller quantities. The amount of silver used in mobile Question to Dr Subho Dasgupta
phones can vary but it is a very minuscule quantity Is there a concern about the toxicity of some substances
usually being 2 milligrams. which are used in Industrial applications?
If the solvents are used in an appropriate and right
Question to Dr. Trevor Keel manner then the concern for toxicity does not exist. One
Has the industry found any alternatives for silver related should have all the knowledge required before getting
to conductivity? into the process.
Considering the properties of silver there is no need Moderator to Mr Andre Christl
for an alternative. But copper and zinc have been With the introduction of AGXX technology, do we
taken into account as they are conductive to electricity. regularly have to change the filters and what can be the
Scientifically no other replacement is considered but average age of a filter?
commercially, yes copper and zinc can be used. The motive behind this technology is that the filter should
not be replaced very frequently which means that these
Trevor Keel to Mr Amol Kulkarni filters are meant to last.
Have you gone about by patenting your type of silver