Page 16 - Bullion World Volume 04 Issue 07 July 2023_Neat
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Bullion World | Volume 3 | Issue 7 | July 2023

           Asia Pacific Precious Metals Conference

           Dr Taimur Baig - MD & Chief Economist, DBS Bank.

           Keynote Address
           Inflation, geopolitics and gold demand
           Dr Taimur Baig - MD & Chief Economist, DBS Bank.

           The presentation focused on three   witnessing downward trends. The
           major parameters in the order     anticipation towards the Fed is that
           below:                            they are looking to cut interest rates.
           1.  The inflation is easing, but a re-
              rating of prices may be in order.  The inflation hit for this region has
           2.  Geo-politics is pushing investors   been extensive, but the cumulative
              and policymakers to consider tail  inflation has been well into the
              risk hedges, and               double digits. But individually,
           3.  Precious metals have a role to   interest rates have not been a
              play in portfolios and balance   problem in these Asian regions.
              sheets.                        The inflation drivers for the medium
                                             term can be ageing with respect to         Dr Taimur Baig
           As far as inflation is concerned,   inflation. Rapidly ageing countries   green transition in the sense that this
           risk aversion is mainly related to   like Japan are considered a major   should be a sustainable way rather
           macroeconomic news. The inflation   risk, with the risk of deflation   than the old ways, which we have
           peaked at around 8%, and the core   increasing                      been using all throughout. Resiliency
           PCE data has peaked at 5.5% with                                    versus efficiency is one more driver
           a downward trend the view which is   The rising rate of unemployment can   for inflation, and finally, geo-political
           also supported by manufacturers.   be another factor with respect to   risks which eventually increase
           Urban CPI and core PCE is also    ageing. The other driver can be the   inflation.

                                                                               The geo-political factors including
                                                                               USD weaponization and China’s
                                                                               external strategy can be one of
                                                                               the main geo-political factors. One
                                                                               classic example is the initiation of
                                                                               E-wallets on phones made in China.
                                                                               Using such phones anyone across
                                                                               the world can buy anything from
                                                                               China, which can be considered a
                                                                               threat hence being a geo-political
                                                                               factor. E-CNY and Petro-CNY belt
                                                                               and road are the other factors worth

                                                                               Apart from gold, no other asset has
                                                                               seen exponential growth, copper is
                                                                               ruling at the same price as what it
                                                                               was many years ago. Overall global
                                                                               growth is slowing.  Fundamentally
                                                                               there is no reason for gold to be
                                                                               trading around 2000$. Nevertheless,
                                                                               with huge central banks buying, the
                                                                               price of 2000$ can be justified.

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