Page 15 - Bullion World Volume 04 Issue 07 July 2023_Neat
P. 15

Bullion World | Volume 3 | Issue 7 | July 2023

           Mr Murli Nikam: Detailed about the electrical contact   excellence s for the industry players to overcome their
           manufacturing done by Modison Ltd;  pointed out the   challenges and difficulties.
           main challenges faced, including Quality, Delivery, Cost
           competitiveness, and price volatility. He emphasised   Mr Abhishek Jain: Presented about the brazing
           the need for good connections between academia     industry, including the process of manufacturing Brazing
           and institutes to collaborate and develop innovations   alloys. The speaker distinguished the types of brazing
           within the silver industry. Two suggestions for the   filler metals and the forms and uses of these brazing
           industry to build upon were continuous development   alloys. The presentation found detailed market sectors,
           in manufacturing processes and setting the centre of   market demand for brazing alloys, opportunities and
                                                              challenges of the silver brazing industry.
                                                              Types of Brazing Filler Metals

           Market Segments
                                                              Market Sectors

           Industry Perspective w.r.t.india

                                            Silver Demand for Brazing Industry

           Moderator to Mr Abhishek Jain
           With respect to silver, how can India compete with its competitors in the global market?
           Post covid-19, India was explored as a prospective producer, unlike the earlier times. We must also take
           advantage of our lower labour costs and invest in custom machinery that will help improve our designs and give
           us a good stance in the global markets.

           Moderator to Mr Murli Nikam
           As you have been in the manufacturing industry for a long time, can you share your experience with
           regard to silver?
           Yes, my presence in the silver industry has been since 2001 and I have seen a lot of growth, especially in silver
           because of its various uses. The termination of cadmium was a must which helped the people involved. Silver
           has come a long way and I look forward to helping this industry in the future.

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