Page 29 - NCISS Your Advocate August 2019
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Regional News
Region 3 – Bob Dunn (DC-DE-FL-GA-MD-PR-NC-SC-VA)
NCISS member Edward Ajaeb will be speaking at the upcoming GSX Conference (formerly ASIS Annual
This event will be in Chicago this September, hosted by ASIS. Edward’s session will focus on using
social media sites and apps for investigations and security.
- for details visit
South Carolina Association of Licensed Investigators (SCALI) - Investigator of the Year and
State Director's Award
Jeremy Whitesell of Whitesell Investigative is honored to have received two awards for 2019.
South Carolina Investigator of the Year, and the SCALI State Director's Award. A special thank
you to professional investigators across SC for the nomination and selection of Mr. Whitesell.
He is thankful for his many supportive colleagues.
Region 5 Tina Thomas (AZ-CO-IA-KS-MN-ND-NE-SD-UT-WI-WY)
Arizona Association of Licensed Private Investigators Annual Conference
Arizona is holding its 2019 Licensed Private Investigator & Process Server Conference (AALPI and APSA). September 7th
through 8th at Sheraton Mesa Hotel at Wrigleyville West. The hotel is close to Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport, nearby
casinos, dining and entertainment. We have some outstanding speakers lined up and this will be one of the most talked
about conferences held this year! We welcome everyone to come and visit our beautiful state and enjoy the thought-
provoking discussions. Discounts available for individuals registered from the same firm. Event details can be found at:
Success with GPS Exemption for PIs in Utah
Earlier this year, Utah was faced with proposed legislation which would have made
it illegal for licensed private investigators in the state to use GPS in the normal
scope of a legitimate investigation. Utah Rep. Marie Poulson was the Chief Sponsor
of HB 0223 “Unlawful Installation of a Tracking Device.” Members of PIAU had
been in constant contact with Utah representatives, Police Chief’s Association and
prosecutors in an attempt to write substitution language for the original proposed
bill. Wes Bearden, NCISS’s Legislative Chair – Investigations, provided a letter
supporting PIAU’s position. With the assistance of the letter from NCISS and the
persistent investigators in Utah a Substitute Bill was finally introduced, which
allowed for private investigators to use GPS for a legitimate business purpose!
This is a great example of how the dues of each person and each state association works together to make NCISS
stronger. NCISS is the National voice of the private investigation and security professionals in Washington D.C. NCISS is
only as good as its members and state associations that participate. Ask your colleagues to join NCISS (and receive a
$25 credit towards your 2020 NCISS dues). The NCISS Board is made up of member volunteers passionate about
protecting our profession. Members that go to Washington D.C. each year typically spend thousands of their own
dollars to be your voice in Washington. How would changes in laws affect your profession? Would you have to rethink
your business model, or would it put you out of business? You can personally help ensure continued access to records
and help NCISS continue to be your voice in Washington each year!