Page 30 - NCISS Your Advocate August 2019
P. 30
Regional News
NCISS member Michelle Palmer appointed to Board of the Utah Bureau of Criminal Investigations (BCI)
Michelle Palmer owns Corner Canyon Investigations located in Utah, and she is also the Legislative Chair of the Private
Investigator’s Association of Utah (PIAU). Congratulations, Michelle, this is a well deserved honor!
Colorado Bans the Box
Submitted by, and thanks to, Ed McClain and Gene Ferraro – Past Presidents, and also the PPIAC Legislative Committee
In an effort to prevent persons with criminal records from being automatically ruled out for job vacancies, Colorado
Governor Jared Polis has signed “ban the box” legislation. The new law will go into effect in September 2019 for
employers with at least 11 employees, and employers with fewer than 11 employees have until September 2021 to
comply. This makes Colorado the 13th state to enact “ban the box” legislation for private employers.
House Bill 19-1025, also referred to as the “Colorado Chance to Compete Act,” prohibits employers from asking about an
applicant’s criminal history in an initial job application. (Ban the box legislation regarding public sector employers,
specifically state agencies, has existed since 2012, pursuant to bill 12-1263.)
- read full article
Region 6 Kelly Cory (AK-CA-HI-ID-MT-OR-NV-WA)
CALI Receives Exemption to State Subcontractor Restrictions
Submitted by, and thanks to, Francie Koehler – Past President, and CALI Government Affairs Chair
I am pleased to announce on July 10 CALI received an exemption in CA Assembly Bill 5 (AB 5) allowing private
investigators to continue to operate under the Borello test defining independent contractors’ private investigators have
operated under for decades. The Labor Committee hearing was held today, and Assembly Member Lorena Gonzalez
specifically mentioned that private investigators would be exempt. CALI’s Sacramento District Director and Chairman of
the Board, Frank Huntington publicly thanked Assembly Member Gonzales during the hearing.
Beside Frank Huntington, I am sending a personal shout out to the members who went a above and beyond. CALI
President Robert Rice, District Director Chad Reagan, and members Mark McClain, Nick Savala, Norene Fabrini, and
Michal Johnson, all made special efforts to meet with members of the Labor Committee as constituents or talk to them
directly. Also, a debt of thanks to CALI’s Legislative Advocates, Jerry Desmond and Anne Schillig for their dedication and
work on AB 5, and to all of you who took the time to write letters, call, and send emails to your Senators and Assembly
Members. Thank you!
The next step for AB 5 is the Senate Appropriation Committee, then to the Senate Floor, back to the Assembly for
concurrence, and then to the Governor’s desk for his signature. We will continue to keep our finger on the pulse of the
bill and let you know if we need any further help.
Getting this important exemption is evidence that when we work together we can move mountains.