Page 31 - NCISS Your Advocate August 2019
P. 31
Regional News
CALI Conference and NCISS
Regional Director, Kelly Cory
The CALI Conference was a huge hit for NCISS. In addition to the table donated by CALI, I was invited to talk about what
NCISS is and why it is important to join; citing my own personal reason being that I felt it was my professional
responsibility to do so. I recounted briefly what it was like on Capitol Hill and encouraged everyone to consider
becoming members and noted that they could be as active as they choose to participate so no pressure to jump right in
head first. We welcomed several new members, and a returning member. Many NCISS members came by the booth to
show their support. Some like John Talaganis came and sat with me for a bit at the table and even helped recruit return
members. Thank you, John!