Page 16 - NCISS Your Advocate April-Spring 2022
P. 16

Association News, Member News and News for Members

                                     NCISS News – To Members and From Members

        Supreme Court Nomination Process Calls Attention To Role Of Background Checks When Hiring Workers
        (Edward Ajaeb – Nighthawk Strategies – Washington DC)
        Check out his interview in Forbes regarding the importance of background checks and due diligence investigations.
        Thorough background screening and due diligence are the keys to avoiding business or legal peril. It's not just about the
        axe murderers; companies and legal teams of all sizes have been caught off-guard by scammers, non-credible witnesses,
        and reputational red flags. Bottom line: don't be left in the dark.

        From Forbes: "Licensed private investigator Edward J. Ajaeb is president of Nighthawk Strategies, and an expert in
        background investigations, public records, and online/social media intelligence. Ajaeb explains, 'Background
        investigations help individuals and companies make informed decisions when it comes to their personal and business
        matters. … Background investigations can help prevent a crisis by flagging individuals who may pose a risk to the
        company because of past illegal behaviors, whether theft, violence, fraud, or other crimes which suggest poor judgment
        or moral turpitude. … The risk is not just about preventing physical harm; failing to properly screen employees can make
        companies vulnerable to lawsuits, internal theft, regulatory investigations and sanctions, or even bankruptcy.' "

        Louisiana Governor Edwards Announces Boards and Commissions Appointments
        (Maria Landry – Investigation Research Group – LA / shared by Bob Heales)
        Maria V. Landry of Lacombe has been appointed to the Louisiana State Board of Private Investigator Examiners. Landry is
        the managing director of Investigation Research Group LLC. She will represent the 1st Public Service Commission District.
        Maria is filling the vacancy left by the passing of her husband, Kenny.

        Bad Actors in Our Professions – and Bad Reporting
        (Lisa Turley – NCISS President)
        For your review are two articles brought to my attention. These are examples of our individual and collective actions and
        ethics. Each of us play a role in showing the importance of how actions will be used to exclude or include all of us from
        access to information. In these two cases legislators in Washington DC have asked our lobbyist – LobbyIt – to meet with
        NCISS to seek clarity of truth and understanding.

        Someone Scraped Massive Bank of Personal Data Used by Private Investigators

        Crook Sells Access to Data Tool Used by Private Investigators

        NCISS has previously published several similar articles, including from the same source – VICE – who seems determined to
        continue making a bad name and reputation of our profession. As an example, they have previously falsely reported
        states make millions selling private DMV records to private investigators. In fact, the federal and state DPPA restrict this
        information to specific purposes, including for private investigators – who account for less than 5% of any revenue. It
        should also be noted, VICE obtains these story leads from various social media posts they monitor – including on closed
        groups they have infiltrated. Please refer to previous issues of Your Advocate for these articles, and send any you find to

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