Page 19 - NCISS Your Advocate September-Summer 2021
P. 19

Association News, Member News and News for Members

        ➢  Little Girl Gone - LeeAnna "Beaner" Warner
        (Bob Heales – WAD Executive Director, Past President WAD, NCISS, and PPIAC)
        Still operating RH Heales & Associates at the time, Bob worked on this case in Chisholm, MN and the surrounding area
        for several weeks in 2004 after two other abducted/murdered/missing young women were found. He was interviewed
        by Discovery ID last October. The Little Girl Gone episode will air 05/03/2021 on the Discovery ID’s "People Magazine
        Investigates". In June 2003 LeeAnna walked around the corner to her friend's house and disappeared - never solved.
        -- visit for more on this story and episode.
        This show has aired and may be available for streaming

        ➢  Savings at Home Depot
        (Dean A. Beers – Editor)
        I wanted to share this savings from the NCISS Home Depot member benefit (NCISS was the first to offer this over a
        decade ago).

        This summer it was time to buy some toner for our color laser - toner isn't cheap. You can usually buy them in the tri-
        color packs, but of course not our model (newer - but the older model was available). The single packs are always more.
        In this case, each color was $153 and the b/w was $118 in the store.

        Using the NCISS card these went down to $105 and $81 respectively - saving about $183 on the receipt. This covers my
        annual dues - and all the supplies bought at Office Depot, it adds up through the year. NCISS also receives a percentage
        of sales. You can get the same pricing online at the NCISS designated link - and many times even better, and with
        monthly specials.

        Here is the link for your card and monthly specials (same link, updated the first of each month): (does require member login).

        ➢  The Profitable PI Launched by Complete Legal Investigations (FL)
        Mark Murnan, CLI, and Wendy Murnan have launched their new website – www.TheProfitablePI! Want to grow your PI
        business into profitability? Stop by and check out their manuals and marketing books to start growing your bottom line!

        ➢  We Can Expect Trouble With The Federal Trade Commission
        (Eddy McClain – NCISS President Emeritus)
        In today's (7-6-21) Wall Street Journal please see the editorial titled "Lina Khan's Power Grab At The FTC."

        The new head of the FTC is the person Amazon has asked the government to recuse because of Khan's "extensive record
        of hostility" and thus "her inability to fairly judge the facts of an anti-trust case."    As the Journal says:

        "The FTC is supposed to be mainly an enforcement agency that polices bad practices, but Ms. Khan and her fellow
        Democratic commissioners want to expand  it's regulatory powers as well. Watch out for rules on privacy and data
        collection for starters that will affect hundreds if not thousands of companies."

        Twenty years or more ago NCISS battled with the FTC regularly and testified at hearings to defend open records and
        oppose the privacy advocates. Francie Koehler was one of our warriors and c an relate the problems the FTC can create.

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