P. 38

PAGE 38                                                           RUSTED STONE
                                                                                                                    ROCKNATION ISSUE 27

                                                                   Hello Rusted Stone and welcome to Rocknation. I see
                                                                   your latest music “American Sin” on iTunes available
                                                                   right here:
                                                                    What is your favorite track and which one gets the
                                                                    biggest crowd response from this release at your live

       My favorite track is the title track, American Sin. It also happens to be the song that gets the biggest crowd
       response at shows. It’s just a real Kick Ass Hard Rock song that starts off with a groove and never stops.
       The crowd really gets into that one!

       Where did you record this music at?
       We recorded at, Digital Soup Kitchen Recording Studio in Paso Robles, CA USA.

       Did you have a producer?
       No, we self produced the CD. We had a good vision of what we wanted and what we were after, so we
       produced it ourselves.

       How long has the band been together?
       We’ve been together as a band since, 2008. We’ve had a few member changes over the years, but 2008
       is when Rusted Stone started.

       What national bands have you played with in concert?
       Well, we’ve had the privilege to share the stage with alot of Awesome National Bands. Such as:
       BuckCherry, Jack Russell’s Great White (twice), Warrant, Saving Abel, Fuel, Saliva, Black Stone Cherry,
       Puddle of Mudd, Blue Oyster Cult, Last In Line, Tracii Guns, Cherrie Currie, Charm City Devils & London.

       If you had to tell someone what your music sounded like, what bands would you mention?
       That’s a funny question, cause I’ve heard us being described as many different bands. But probably a
       good comparison is: Tesla, Ratt, Dio, Accept, Judas Priest, and KISS. Jeff our bassist said we sound,
       “a little bit like Motley Crue and a little bit like Lynyrd Skynyrd..... no actually we sound like if Motley Crue
       did a Lynyrd Skynyrd Cover.” The best thing is just check out some of our
       tunes and judge for yourself.

       Thank you for taking time for this interview and any last words to
       the fans?
       Yes, please Like us on Facebook, and become a Fan on
       Reverbnation. That way we can keep in contact and you can see the
       latest info on Rusted Stone! Also, be sure to play us on Spotify and
       Pandora!! We’re always looking to play shows, so you never know when
       we’ll be in your town or close to your town. And lastly be sure to Keep on
       Rocking!!! Always remember to keep Rock Music Alive in your area!!!!!


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