P. 37

Evolution Eden
    ROCKNATION ISSUE  27                                                                                                              PAGE 37

     Hello Evolution Eden and welcome to Rocknation. Congrats to your
     new release “Audio Therapy”.  Please tell us about some of your
     favorite tracks.
     That’s a tough question to answer and probably depends on which one
     of us that you ask and what day you ask it, but collectively we can say
     we’re all really excited about the singles we’ve released so far “Beautiful
     Disaster”, “Kiss Like Summertime” and “Audio Therapy”. Beautiful
     Disaster tells a story of that girl that just drives you crazy. She turns your
     life upside down but you just can’t seem to get enough. I think we’ve all
     had a relationship like that but we tell the story in a unique and upbeat
     way. “Kiss Like Summertime” is a feel good love story that we ended up shooting a video for. This track really represents us as it has some
     big open chord hooks, intricate drum work and a classic breakdown. The title track “Audio Therapy” is dipping into some of our 70’s roots ala
     Aerosmith and Kiss.  It’s about how music can be like therapy for the soul.  It can take the things that are ailing you and at minimum, make
     them disappear for a while.

     Your band has worked with two musical legends Andy Johns (Led Zeppelin, The Rolling Stones, Van Halen) and Beau Hill (Ratt,
     Warrant, Winger). Please tell us about each experience in the studio.
     We were lucky to have those experiences with Andy and Beau. Beau mixed Saturday Night Drive In, the record that we released in 2009.
     He came out from his place in Texas to our studio in California and we spent a weekend doing some pre production on a few tracks that
     stood out to him. We bounced our song ideas back and forth and talked about our vision for the overall record. He put his producer hat on
     and gave us some great advice to help us polish up the material.  Beau also taught us a lot about songwriting and how important it is to get
     the hook into the first 15 seconds of the song.  He really helped us trim the fat from the songs so you just give the listener the meat.

     Working with Andy was completely different. We did the work remotely, discussing the songs over the phone.  At the time he was working
     with LA Guns as well, so he was squeezing us in between LA Guns down time.. We would send songs back and forth and he would give us
     his opinion on how to improve our sound. He really pushed us production wise to go for that meat and potatoes sound.  He liked the tracks
     to be very stripped down where we tend to layer our material as we record. We negotiated quite a bit with each other but we were very
     happy with the end result which was our Perfect Crime release in 2012. Unfortunately Andy passed away shortly after we worked together.
     I think our record was one of the last that he worked on during his great career and it was an honor to soak in as much knowledge from him
     as we could.

     If you had to tell someone what your music sounded like, what bands would you mention?
     We often get asked that question and it’s hard to answer. It may depend more upon the individual track but we’ve all been heavily
     influenced by Kiss, Bryan Adams and Def Leppard so you may hear some of that in our songs. We focus on delivering a hooky chorus and a
     story that the listener might be able to relate too.

     What bands have you shared the stage with?
     We’ve been fortunate to play with many great artists over the years...maybe too many to list but some that the Rocknation fan base might
     appreciate would be hard rockers Dokken, Y & T, Mr. Big, Ratt, Blue Oyster Cult, Stryper, Winger, Queensryche, Lynch Mob, Enuff z Nuff,
     and Warrant to name a few.  We also have done acoustic shows with pop artist John Waite, Susanna Hoffs (of the Bangles), and
     Tal Bachman (late 90’s hit “She’s So High”). We could go on and on with the list, but we feel we can share the stage with just about anyone
     and hold our own.

     I see your band is getting international press and radio, please tell us about that.
     The internet can be a wonderful tool especially when it comes to sharing music. It’s amazing
     how our songs can be heard just about anywhere in the world with an internet connection.
     While we’re aware that pirating of music has certainly hurt artists it has also opened up new
     markets that could never have been tapped 20 years ago. We’ve been able to take
     advantage of that. It seems that there is more of a passion and interest in our style of music
     abroad. We’re not sure why this is but we’re hoping to change that with our latest release.

     Thank you for taking time for this interview and any last words to the fans?
     We just want to thank everyone who has supported us over the years or took the time to listen
     to our music . We’ve been doing this for over 15 years and we’re gonna keep on doing it as
     long as we can because we love making music and the interaction between the band and fans
     in a live setting.  We can’t wait to get back on stage and share the live experience with you.
     To those that have never heard of Evolution Eden and you like what you hear, share it with
     someone and spread the good word!


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