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ROCKNATION ISSUE 13                                                                                                               PAGE 23
   HOUSE OF LORDS                     decided to release it, it’s not a full on   LYNCH MOB                  exploding nebula everybody’s shot off in

                                                                              (Continued interview from page 4)
                                      in Rio, but the DVD I want to release is a
      (Continued interview from page 12)  release what it is an hour and a half show   Brian: I know it’s still a little early yet,   different directions. Don seems pretty
                                                                                                             content with what he’s doing working
  Brian: Would you do anything different   HOUSE OF LORDS Anthology from begin-  but what’s the reaction been like to the   Dokken in whatever form it’s in, as I call it
  at all with this album?             ning to end. The old stuff, my interview                               the worlds best Dokken tribute band. Jeff
  James: Not this one. When we did this   when I first got in the band and when Gene   CD so far?            is deeply imbedded with Foreigner and
                                                                         George: Nothing but positive so far, every
  record and listen I look back and say to   Simmons was in the studio and he got in   record you do is the greatest record you   continuing on for some time and they have
  myself I wish I did this and done that, but   my vocal booth there’s a lot of funny mo-  ever done (laughing). When the dust   a new record coming out soon and
  not on this records. I walked away for two   ments. All that stuff I have and I want to   settles six to eight months later with the   continuing on into 2010. If there is a
  weeks before I listened to anything and   save that stuff to make one Anthology DVD   success or lack of you rethink your opinion   Dokken reunion it’s going to happen soon
  came back and said I think we got it. I wish  with concerts and everything. It will only be   of the record, I think it stands up. It was   because at some point we are going to
  we can get it right another five times to   available on our website and at live shows.   the record we should have done right after   be too old and people will not give a shit.
  make me happy and lock in to whatever we  I’ll send you one to check out.     Wicked Sensation, get Oni in the band and   Brian: You still have all your guitars
  had on this record.                 Brian: One thing that really made the   get it done but it’s only seventeen years   from the Dokken Days.
  Brian: Did Gregg Giuffria have anything  splash with me was your wife Robin   later instead.                              George: Oh Yeah there
  to do with this release or did he hear it   Beck on Repo Man, a lot of people   Brian: What can                            all hanging on my walls
  at all?                                              would say ah she’s   fans expect in your                              in my studio, I figure
  James: Nope, not a                                   just on their     live show as far as                                 that’s my safety net in
  thing. I haven’t been in                             because she’s     any kind of set list                                case the world blows
  contact with Gregg on                                Jame’s wife. To tell   goes?                                          up. Clapton did his
  this last record. He’s                               you the truth she   George: Of course                                 guitar auction a few
  busy doing his own                                   really brought the   we are leaning pretty                            years ago and gener-
  thing and I was busy                                 life out of that song.   heavily on the new                           ated twenty-five million
  working with Mark ev-                                She did an amazing   stuff, but I still have                          dollars for Charity. I’ll do
  eryday on this project.                              job adding some   to do the must do                                   the same but the charity
  Brian: James there                                   soul to that tune.   songs. I like to jam,                            will be me and my kids.
  are always one album                                 Did she work on   that’s my thing. Oni                                (Laughing).
  that sticks out in your                              any other songs on   is a little opposed to                           Brian: If you had to
  mind every year and                                  Cartesian Dreams?  that because what do                              pick your favorite Dok-
  a few years ago it                                   James: It’s so funny   singers do when we jam. I like it when the   ken album, what would that be?
  was SIXX A.M. The                                    the way that      singer walks away and the three of us jam   George: We had a lot of good records, but
  Heroin Diaries, last year It was Brian   happened. When we did that song we   and see what happens. We use to do this   I would have to say Under Lock and Key
  Head Welch with Save Me From Myself.  really didn’t have a female vocal on it.   in Dokken a lot and Don hated it also.   because I think we hit our stride on that
  This year it’s Cartesian Dreams.    Robin heard me singing it so many times in   I came from that back in the seventies   one. We done other records and kind of
  James: Thank you, ya know Serafino at   the studio (James starts to sing the chorus   where bands always did it. Now you’re   semi frustrated the way they came out for
  Frontiers I’ve never seen them stand be-  to me). And after I did my part she started   seeing a resurgence of that with bands like   one reason or another. We were amazed
  hind a record as I’ve seen them doing with  singing my part walking by and I said Oh   Government Mule and Fish, I love that.   with Under Lock and Key, it sounded warm
  this one, that makes me feel really good.   My God and I told her try singing that on   Bands I use to see back in the day use   with huge sound, and every song was
  He really loves this record. He’s a difficult   the microphone and it kind of ended up   to do that like Zeppelin and ZZ Top and   great. We were happy with it.
  guy to please because he hears so many   being a duet type thing. I thought that was   Johnny Winter.      Brian: Would you like to talk about
  albums everyday on his label. He get’s this  fantastic. It’s a good marriage of something   Brian: Man you saw all those bands.  anything we missed?
  one and a big majority of people love the   that really worked. I have no idea how we   George: Yeah I saw Zeppelin, ZZ Top,   George: Yeah I have my dojo on-line
  record and the reviews have been great.  would do it live unless we take her on the   Queen, Johnny Winter and it affected me   school you can check out at georgelynch.
  Brian: So you have a new House of   road with us.                      profoundly they were the first concerts I   com. The “Smoke and Mirrors” CD will be
  Lords DVD coming out?               Brian: James it’s been great talking to   ever saw and this was at the bands peek,   coming out in September and we have a
  James: There’s one out right now that was  you once again.             loud and on fire.                   video coming out for Skeleton Key.
  recorded in Rio and I knew it was a board   James: Thanks Brian it’s been great talking   Brian: I have been hearing there might   Brian: George I would like to thank you
  mix and front mics. I wasn’t sure if it was   to once again too, please have fans come   be a Dokken Reunion next year any   and RockNation thanks you for talking
  going to be a one camera deal but it was   check out our website, pick up the new   truth to that?         with us.
  three cameras and the filming was great   DVD in Rio and get ready for “Cartesian   George: I don’t know, I always pushed for   George: I very much appreciate it and
  and the audio sounds very good. So we   Dreams”. See ya.               that to be on the table. Everyone’s an   hope we run into you again.

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