Page 26 - ISSUE 13
P. 26
CONCERT PHOTOS CD Behind”, “Remember” and “Eden’s Fruit”
showcase solid vocals and some nice
guitar and keyboard work that take you on
a trip back to the Sunset Strip in Hollywood
back in the day. Like I alluded to, the bands
sound isn’t exactly unique but if you’re a
a new band can put something like this
Exclusive photos for Rocknation & by Mary Ouellette REVIEWS fan of this style than it certainly is cool that
out today. If you’re a fan of that 80’s hard
rock sound with a little keyboards thrown
in you should have a listen to PLEASURE
MAKER for yourself.
Perris Records
Mister Hersey is at the start and a classical HOLLYWOOD HAIRSPRAY
Old-School 70’s album. It was not to be
ignored with the melodies and cool “Volume 5”
hooklines. With a strong backing lineup, Perris Records
Dougie White (ex-Yngwie J. Malmsteen), I’ve been buying CDs form Perris for more
yokes Mayer (Casanova), Holger Seeger years than I can remember. Back when the
(Midnite club) and Paul Logue (Eden `s Internet hadn’t really taken off, they were
NICKELBACK Curse) at the start, he leads franc Kraus placing full-page ads in Metal Edge and
(Demon drive) guitar-technically in an
every couple of months I’d be ringing them
experienced way by the program of ten
hard tracks. Each of these tracks could be and placing an order. They were one of
the very few that kept the glam flag flying
NO DOUBT put on various albums many today’s star. during the dark days of grunge by either
The majority of the material orients itself
signing bands directly or distributing their
nevertheless volume such as Led Zeppelin, independently released CDs. I could al-
Rainbow and Deep Purple polarizes on ways rely on them to provide my glam rock
with Joe Lynn Turner, Glenn Hughes and fix. They’ve maintained this commitment
somewhat more modern in an integrated to the genre by this series of “Hollywood
way like for example Midnite club. Also Hairspray” CDs on which they showcase
features is Carsten Schulz (Evidence One, little known bands who take their inspiration
Midnite club) on some vocals and backing from the glory days of glam rock. Whether
vocal on Bloody Waters”. The Opener “ or not I’d class all of these bands on this,
Nicotine Dreams” is probably as Appetizer Volume 5, as “glam” or “sleaze” is debate-
for the category fans thought with this able but there’s a nice spread of styles that
album to buy for their collection. stops this 16 track CD from getting dull. “Dancin on My Grave” by Sweet Cheater
is pure 80’s rock, which is no doubt a sign
of the time they spent spotlight dodging
in the late 80’s. Having failed to make it
then, they’ve been on hiatus for 15 years
but 5 of the original members got back
together to do a reunion gig. If this track
is representative of what they’re doing
then welcome back boys! Superb vocals,
a killer chorus and verses that don’t make
you wish that they were shorter. Sure, it’s
a nostalgic little treat but when it’s this
good, who the hell cares. It’s always good
to hear Kory Clarke’s distinctive vocals and
here he’s put them behind the thunder of
his new outfit Dirty Rig. These guys are far
more sleaze than glam (though even that’s
pushing the term) and their track “Suck It”
manages to marry his trademark snarl to a
PARAMORE PLEASURE MAKER bruising, track underpinned by an insistent
bass line all of which would cause a mosh
“Twisted Desire”
Perris Records pit to positively wet itself. If there’s more
like this on the way and if they finally get
Here we have the new release from the some decent promotion this lot would pick
South American melodic hard rock act up a sizeable fan base in no time and the
PLEASURE MAKER. “Twisted Desire” world would be a better place for it. They
follows the bands indie debut (“Love On tour the UK in September and are definitely
The Rocks”) from 2004 and builds on that worth checking out. At the more traditional
record in just about all departments. Glam end of the scale we have Irelands
I thought the debut was a pretty decent very own Nice`n`Sleazy. These guys are
affair when I got it back then so when I complete unknowns, which isn’t really
had the opportunity to check out the new surprising as their average age is 16.4.
one for Rockeyez I jumped at it. This time Yes, you read that right. They’ve either got
around the band has the backing of US very cool parents or siblings because this
label Perris Records and hopefully that will lot wear their influences on the sleeves with
enable the band to reach a wider audi- they’re big lipstick, tousled hair and glittery
ence with this new record. To get an idea influences. “Rock `n` Roll Addiction” is one
of the band’s sound think of American acts of the finest slices of glam I’ve heard all
such as FIREHOUSE, ROXY BLUE or year. Superb vocals, great playing, catchy
even the more obscure New Jersey band choruses, and handclaps, its sheer glam
JESTER. The band put forth some solid rock heaven. Even the production is pretty
hooks and arrangements, even if they are damn fine and to all you bands that settle
things you’ve heard many times before in for a flat, muddy sound, shame on you!
this genre. Songs like “Feel It This Time”, This shows how well it can be done.
title track “Twisted Desire”, “What We Left