Page 27 - ISSUE 13
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ROCKNATION ISSUE 13                                                                                                              PAGE 27
   LIONS SHARE                        start a band and to play guitar.
                                      Brian: How much different is
                                      compared to today?
      (Continued interview from page 16)  recording when you first started   CONCERT PHOTOS
  Brian: Were there any recent Blistering  Lars: When we started out it was all analog
  signing and do you take band        in big expensive studios. Now our demos
  submissions?                        sound pretty close to the finished albums
  Lars: We do, but it’s both hard and very   at no cost at all. The Road To Ruin album
  expensive to break a baby band so right   for example was recorded and mixed in   Exclusive photos for Rocknation & by Mary Ouellette
  now we are more interested in established  our own home studio at no cost at all and
  bands that can tour on their own without   everybody tells me it sounds excellent. All
  tour support and together with their   guitars, vocals and bass for “Dark Hours”
  management can take care of themselves.  and “Emotional Coma” were recorded
  Brian: What does a band need to be   there too. We went to a bigger studio for
  signed to Blistering?               the drums and the mix was done by Jens
  Lars: The usual                                    Bogren (Opeth, Para-
  “it”, something that                               dise Lost, Symphony
  strikes a chord with                               X, Amon Amarth), at
  us. A big buzz and                                 his Fascination Street
  following is some-                                 Studios.
  thing that can work                                Brian: So what do you
  too even if I person-                              do in your spare time?
  ally may not like                                  Lars: I’m a big fan of
  the band that well.                                ice hockey. I follow my
  We also make sure                                  Swedish favorite team
  we own the master                                  Timrå IK on TV several
  and publishing so                                  times per week and of
  we can invest and                                  course Team Sweden in
  build the bands for                                international champion-
  many years. If you only license the rights   ships. I keep an eye on the Swedish
  it’s harder to get a label behind you. That   players in NHL too, but those games are
  more short term thinking is like selling milk  aired in the middle of the night my time so.
  or something and I don’t believe in that for  Brian: Have you thought of doing some
  either band or label.               kind of history DVD of Lion’s Share?
  Brian: Will the US fans ever get to   Lars: People ask me about this all the time
  see an upcoming US tour from Lion’s   so maybe it’s something we should
  Share?                              consider doing. I have tons of stuff record-
  Lars: That would be a dream-come-true   ed all the way back to the very first show.
  for sure. The reactions on “Dark Hours”   Brian: Lars we appreciate you taking
  both sales wise, from the success on metal  time out to talk with us at RockNation,
  radio and video charts, from the press in   would you like to say anything in
  the US has been absolutely awesome so   ending?
  hopefully we can find a tour that make   Lars: We are very grateful and blown away
  sense economically for us to fly over.  by the awesome response on “Dark Hours”
  Brian: Why did you originally go into   in the U.S. Keep visiting our sites:
  Lars: I was into music at a very young age,
  but it wasn’t until I heard KISS for the first                                            AEROSMITH
  time at age 8 that I decided I wanted to    for news and updates.
    LILLIAN AXE                       Mark: Do you have any other
                                      projects you want to talk about?
                                      Steve: At this point, I have all I can
   (Continued interview from page 16) handle!I am working on a children’s
  Mark: You signed with new label     record with my brother Glenn and
  Blistering Records for the US       some soundtrack stuff. I would also like
  release. How do you feel it’s been   to do another solo record soon. I have
  working with them so far?           a 3 and a half month old baby boy, so
  Steve: So far, so good. We wanted   that’s my most important project.
  a label that wanted to be with us for   Mark: On your downtime what do
  our career, not for an album. They are  you do?
  getting the record out ther which is the  Steve: Downtime?  lol  I take Kung Fu,
  most important                      play organized basketball, work out,
  element.                            and raise Jude.                      SCRAP METAL -Jani Lane & Nelson
  Mark: Will the band
  be doing a US tour
  in support of the
  new record?
  Steve: We have
  done 5 weeks
  already, and we start
  again on Aug. 25th
  in Minnesota. We do
  3 weeks in the
  midwest and north-
  east, then some
  southern shows,
  then off to Europe!
  Mark: Are you also
  still involved with
  the band ANGEL
  and what’s up with the new Album? Mark: Well Steve thanks for taking
  Steve: Still in Angel, but waiting on   the time out to talk to us at
  Frank Dimino, the singer, to make the  RockNation, would you like to say
  next move. Hope to do a new record   anything in conclusion?
  soon.                               Steve: Thanks so much for this
  Mark: Anything going on with Near  interview. Check out
  Life Experience?                    and pick up Sad Day on Planet Earth!
  Steve: We have our third record in the
  can. We are trying to get it finished by   For more details check out:
  the end of the year.                                                                         ZZ TOP
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