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PAGE 30 metal and great melodic sounds, KELDIAN ROCKNATION ISSUE 13
CD could be a force to be reckoned with as CONCERT PHOTOS
the band matures judging from their debut
CD “Heaven’s Gate.” The band plays
arena rock in the vein of ASIA and has that
REVIEWS perfect balance with some fantastically
tantalizing ivory riffs by Arild Aardalen and
soaring guitar work and vocals by Chister
Andresen that calms the aggressive beast.
For a debut release it unusual to have more Rocklahoma exclusive photos for Rocknation & by Mark Balogh.
then half your CD to be this good without
adding some filler songs. But KELDIAN
pulls it off with diversity combining classic
rock to reaching heights of the heavy metal
band HELLOWEEN. The nature of master
to student in a debut is not seen here, as
KELDIAN appears to be seasoned veter-
ans holding down the fort and get this, this
is the first band coming out of Norway that
has ever been signed to Perris. They must
be on a ‘seek and destroy’ mission pulling
the magic act once again. The song of all
songs on “Heaven’s Gate” has to be “Sun-
dance” the chorus shreds with elevation as
the instruments are uplifting but drummer
Jørn Holen steals the spotlight with amaz-
MAD MARGRITT “Animal” ing drumming. The blend of guitar and key-
Perris Records Cat. # PER1952 boards are not too shabby either. KELDIAN
Back in 2005, our site reviewed “Straight has a few special guests adding their tech-
Through the Heart” that got a very nique to the barrage of sounds, but adding
favorable review and with the latest release the aggressive violin of black metal master
“Animal” and some line-up changes Gunhild Mathea Olaussen PANTHEON
became a bit heavier. It is evident that the I adds depth and full body to the songs.
music stays true to its roots even with the “Heaven’s Gate” is a breath of fresh air as SAXON
addition of a heavier guitar sound. The KELDIAN climbs the mountain to reach the
background chants and over powering peak of success.
driving rock chords almost gives them a
Smith’s guitar playing is standing tall on the
new release and I hear a slight direction
change while still managing the melodic
sound that will keep past fans happy.
“Animal” has a great incredible edible babe
on the cover it’s hard to concentrate on
the music, but I will manage. “Don’t Say A
Word” starts off like a DREAM THEATER
track and turns into a ripping rocking tune
that has catchy guitar chords and Smith’s
vocals pumps the song with energy and the
background vocals give the song full body.
For me this is the best song on “Animal”.
One thing is for sure Mr. Smith is one
helluva presence with his powerful vocals
and the guitar work; this time around, he is
much improved making him more notice-
able. Another track that stands out is “I
Don’t Think I Love You” that has essences BANG TANGO
of THE BABY’S and that’s not shabby at all “From The Hip”
to be compared to. The bellowing screams
and high notes Smith reaches scorching Perris Records
levels. Well listening to “Ruling Me” I first If ever a front man was on a collision
get a sense of Rick Springfield and then coarse with fame, it has to be Joe Leste.
classic rock takes over with some cool The man is simply put magic with the raspy
licks; the song has a soft side and drives vocals and stage presences that melts
home the killer chorus to make this another candle wax, he rips it up on the latest
stand out track. “Animal” has an array of BANG TANGO release on Perris records. MAD MARGRITT
styles from rock, melodic rock, and classic The deep cutting guitar riffs and traditional
rock but for sure, the CD does justice to power chords will set fires to the horizon.
MAD MARGRITT. The songs are catchy with snaring hooks
that will be embedded in the minds of
music lovers forever. Right off the bat “It’s
All OK” is pummeling and your attention is
needed as the band wrecks havoc. Mark
Simpson’s guitar work is flying high with his
trademark sounds and he really doesn’t get
the credit as a high profile guitarist which
he deserves. “Go, Go, Go” will be a crowd
favorite, AC/DC fans should check this one
out. I can just imagine Angus doing his
stage prance. Timmy Russell has a tre-
mendous sound to his drumming on “Carry
Me Up” which is an asset to the production
quality on “From the Hip” . Oh no don’t tell
me another rocker turned religious with
“Mother Mary”. I feel the vibe of L.A. GUNS
and GUNS N ROSES coming through on
“Mother Mary” as the vocals by Leste have
KELDIAN that Phil Lewis aura. One of my favorite
tracks is “Simple” giving way to a more
“Heaven’s Gate” melodic Leste yet holding a hard raw edge.
“Simple” has an arena rock quality that will
Perris Records have fans chanting along with Leste, and
As the world spins and times change could be a hard song to finally conclude.
so does the repertoire of one of the top Sensitive and seductive Leste come full
independent labels in the business, Perris circle after ripping the cords for the first
Records Expansion at all ends of the earth nine tracks and mellows out with ballad as
could only bring a great resurgence in the Simpson strums along on the acoustic. This
number of bands seeking fame and Perris is a great ending to a unique memorable
has gone outside its boundaries to bring release by BANG TANGO and should be
you one of those fine gems called hotter than dancin’ on coals on your wish BANG TANGO
KELDIAN. With the mixture of power- list.