Page 15 - ISSUE 9
P. 15
Interview with Manu Esteve, Vocalist of
Hardreams, by Brian Rademacher
My Space site:
Rocknation: Hello Manu and welcome Manu: They are all great guys
to Rocknation. and incredible musicians, but if
Manu: Hello Brian! I have to choose one I choose
Rocknation: Hardreams was started Mr. Jim Peterik. He’s a music
in 2000 by guitarist David Agüera and legend but he’s a wonderful
drummer Sergi Hormigó. They recruit- human being too. We’ll never
ed you to join the band. Did you have forget the moment he invited
to audition and why do you feel they us to share the stage with him
picked you? and we played “The Eye Of The
Manu: Well, it was very natural. David Tiger” all together!
knew me because I was collaborating Rocknation: Calling Everywhere times it was discouraging, but finally tions with the new release? And con-
in the local radio. I led the hard rock- came out in 2004, and now you’re we got it done and we are very proud gratulations it’s excellent.
AOR section in a heavy rock oriented about to release The Road Goes On... of the result. I think he (the engineer) Manu: Thanks Brian! We really appre-
program. He listened to my section in 2008. What has the band doing in has done a great job. As far as other ciate your opinion, it’s motivating. We
every Friday. He knew that I was a between those four years? artist collaboration, we asked some just want to reach for everyone.
singer, so they thought of me as a vo- Manu: Well, we all have our families guys who helped us on the Calling Rocknation: Manu it’s been fun talking
calist when they formed the band. and jobs. It takes time to compose and album; Chris and Quique. They are with you. Would you like to say any-
Rocknation: In 2002 you released a write new songs. We spent a long time good friends and great musicians. thing in conclusion?
demo called Wings Of Fire. That demo in the recording process too because Rocknation: Your official web site Manu: Thank you very much Brian for
took off and caught attention of Vinny the engineer was always very busy. is all in this opportunity. It’s been very nice
Records and you signed a two album Rocknation: In 2006 you released an Spanish. Will there be an English ver- talking with you. In conclusion we trust
deal. Did you have other songs written EP called Four Shot, does that fulfill sion? in our music and we hope people enjoy
during that time that would eventu- you obligation with Vinny Records? Manu: Well, this site is still under it!
ally end up on your debut CD, Calling Manu: Not really. When we edited the construction and, of course, there will
Everywhere, which was released in Calling album, our record label Vinny be an English version. Meanwhile Hardreams’ new CD The Road Goes
2004? Records went people can contact us on our myspace On... is available on Perris Records at all
Manu: Yes, we under so we at fine music stores.
chose those four didn’t have any Rocknation: What are your expecta-
songs for the legal obligation.
Wings On Fire Four Shots was
demo, but we another demo.
had more songs. Rocknation: I
Some finally noticed that
ended up on the three of the four
Calling album songs on Four
and others were Shot appear on
rejected. the new CD, The
Rocknation: You Road Goes On...
played Nem- Did you change
elrock Festival anything on
in Madrid and those songs?
Ripollet Rock Manu: Yes,
in Barcelona. there are some
What was the changes in the
feeling like being asked to play and songs, and the mixes are totally new.
can you tell us a special moment play- Rocknation: The new CD has a good
ing each festival? mix of rockers and ballads. If you had
Manu: I remember Nemelrock Festival to pick one track that is your favorite
was incredible for us. We didn’t know if vocally which one would that be?
the audience knew our music. We had Manu: I don’t know. Maybe “Rebel
just edited the Calling album and there Heart.” Yes, it’s my favorite.
we were, playing before a full house. Rocknation: One of my favorite tracks
We came from Barcelona (there is is “We Are One.” It has that Journey,
a Madrid-Barcelona rivalry), but the Bonfire, Firehouse kind of vibe. If you
response was great! Meeting and talk- were writing a review on Hardreams
ing with the guys from Firehouse was what band would you be compared to?
my special moment. They are very Manu: Wow! Journey is my all time
genuine, great guys. Ripollet Rock favorite band! Thanks for the praise.
festival is always something special Well, it’s difficult to say. I really think
for us. Ripollet is the village where we we have our own sound, always in a
are from and the rock festival is a big hard rock – AOR style.
event here. We’ve played it a couple Rocknation: Can you tell us anything
of times before in front of more than about the recording process, and did
10,000 people. you ask any artists to be a special
Rocknation: What artist or band guest?
treated you the best when you were Manu: The recording process was
on tour? You have shared the stage hard. We wasted a lot of time wait-
with Bob’S Catley (Magnum), Vaughn ing for the studio to be available. The
(Tyketto), Firehouse and Jim Peterik engineer was always out, touring with
(Survivor, Mecca, Pride of Lions). a popular Spanish pop band. Some-