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and roll. Rocknation: So did you get in any
Rocknation: So did you guys just roll trouble for being there?
out of bed and start writing or was Chris: Nah, they were cool with it. We
there some fun involved? just didn’t have permission.
Chris: Well, we’d say we were going to Rocknation: "She Don’t Want the
start at five and then we’d start at eight World" has been called one of your
and go through until sometimes two or most unique songs to date, can you tell
three in the morning, it all depended. us how this song came together?
We had a rig in the house and our Chris: Basically it’s just a song that
sound engineer is a pro tools master developed electronically more than
and he can run it and I can run it and anything else. We tried to do different
between the two of us if someone things to it to make it something else
needed to record something we could but we really just couldn’t, it is what
do it at any time. It was cool. it is. It’s not really a 3 Doors Down
Rocknation: The first single "It’s Not full blown performance, there’s one
My Time" has been doing very well, do or two guitar parts and the drums are
you think it gives music fans a good programmed, it’s really different and
indication of what the entire album something we’ve never done but I think
sounds like or is it more of just a small it was something that we had to get out
taste? of our system. It came out really cool
Chris: It’s nowhere near the
whole sound of the record; it’s
basically just us reintroducing
ourselves. We wanted it to be
a good song and represent 3
Chris Henderson of 3 Doors Down Doors Down but at the same
Interviewed by: Mary Ouellette time we wanted to let fans
know that there was some-
thing else coming, so that’s
On May 22nd, 3 Doors Down will re- Chris: I think it was key, I really do. We why the guitar sounds are so
lease their latest album, aptly titled have pretty much been working since edgy, in my opinion anyway.
3 Doors Down. The first single "It’s 1999 non-stop and we tried to take Rocknation: And the video
a year off but didn’t quite get a year.
Not My Time" is already becoming There was always something going for the single actually just
debuted and has some really
a radio favorite but it is just a small on. We tried to take some time off and cool things going on in it, can
taste of what the album has to offer. then go in and write but we had to pick you tell us a little bit about it? and we’re proud of it.
Already out on the road to support up a show here and there to keep the Chris: The video is pretty cool; we’ve Rocknation: The band has always
their latest gem, guitarist Chris Hen- lights on. never done anything like it before. supported our troops and you’ve even
derson took some time out of their Rocknation: To write the album, the Instead of setting up in one or two lo- contributed a song to The National
band bedded down in a farmhouse in
cations like we would normally do and Guard called "Citizen Soldier" which
busy schedule to talk to Rocknation. Tennessee living there for awhile to be shot at those locations we set up made its way on to the new album, can
reconnect and get your creative juices in eight different locations and it was you tell us how your partnership with
Rocknation: Why the decision now, flowing. What was that experience like kind of guerilla style. Literally the band The National Guard came to fruition?
this far into your career, to name the for you? would get out of the van, run and grab Chris: The song was written in re-
album 3 Doors Down? What is the Chris: It was pretty cool. The house our instruments real quick, play one or sponse to 9/11 but as you can imagine
significance to you? we rented out was like an old cel- two times then back to the van and off the lyrical content wasn’t fit for radio.
Chris: I think we did it because this lar with a fireplace in it. We all lived to another location. One time we actu- The National Guard asked us to write a
was a difficult record to make and upstairs and the downstairs kind of be- ally shot in a skyway in Cincinnati and song for them so we did, changed the
everyone really contributed and dug came the hangout. It is really easy to didn’t have permission to be there so lyrics and used the same music. It’s
down deep to put these songs to- create when you’re just hanging, when the guys holding our guitars where hid- worked out great, we are very proud
gether. We hit a brick wall a few times you’re not going to work every day. ing in our clothing racks and then when to support the troops. Regardless of
which is never a good thing but we We were far enough from our homes they’d yell action they’d hide again. what your politics are, and mine are
worked through it and kept on digging that we couldn’t go home every day
and figured it was appropriate to name but we were close enough so that if we
it 3 Doors Down. wanted to go home for a weekend we
Rocknation: The band took about a could. We were just out of reach of all
year off before working on the new the craziness that goes along with rock
album, how important do you think that
break was?