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heavier. Can you tell us anything about the
song writing on this tune? God is Rui from
another dimension? He plays some killer
melodic riffs?
A: I wrote the lyrics as I was listening to
Exclusive Interview with Sérgio Sabino of Faithfull by Brian Rademacher the music Rui had already recorded and I
began expressing in words the anger that
takes over me when things go wrong in this
Q: Hello Sérgio and welcome to Rockna- was like, making the jump from Evidence to turned out to be the right decision. world and the powerful seem not to care
tion. Faithfull and the band taking off? Q: Now fast forward to 2008, you signed or do anything to change it in a positive
A: Hi! It's a great pleasure to be invited for A: It all happened so fast and proved I with Perris Records, how did that go down? direction.
an interview with Rocknation. was making the right choice following my A: We got the attention of Perris Records Q: Another favorite is "Never Came Today.”
Q: You started a new band, Faithfull, in heart... and my ears. It feels so good when with those 4 songs and that drove us back What are the plans for the first single?
2001 but released the CD Spiral with the your work gets recognition and good re- to the studio to record a full album which A: Perris will decide the single, but if you
band Evidence in 2002. Had you already views. We were thrilled when we saw the Perris loved and led to a record deal. Even want our opinion.... we would choose 10
left Evidence when you formed Faithfull, band's name on Burrn! because that meant though these days some labels tend to look songs.
and if so, why? Faithfull was reaching the other side of the only to artists who had success in the past, Q: You decided to end Horizon with a
A: I met Rui Martins that year and when I globe in a very positive way. so they don't have a great risk, fortunately, slower tune, "You Walked Away." Was
listened to many of the songs he had been Being invited to open for Whitesnake twice Perris is one of those who still looks both there a reason for that?
composing for years I had to make sure in a couple of years was like a child's ways. A: We're big fans of ballads and there is
they wouldn't be put in a drawer because dream coming true... in a double dose. We Q: Faithfull has a new release coming in nothing better then ending an album full of
they were great. That's when we decided to were born and grew up listening to these May called Horizons. With the success of energy with a soft tune to relax. This gives
form Faithfull and record a demo to present musical icons so we feel like we have some Light This City what did you do differently you time to breathe. I can also say that bal-
to the labels. At the same time, I was still genes from them. It's always great to be to make the new CD even better? lads are part of our romantic side.
with Evidence but not motivated with the with the family. A: I believe we are more mature now. Q: Once the CD is released what are the
extreme sound the band was following for Q: From 2003 until 2008 is a pretty long People will continue feeling our melodic plans for the band?
a third album. Those musical differences time. What has the band been doing dur- vain but now with an identity more deeply A: We want to play live as much as we can
and some intransigence among the band ing that time? carved in our sound. and as many countries as we can. We still
members brought an end to my presence A: The Spanish record label that released Q: Since the band sounds similar to Bon don't know if this will be possible because
in Evidence, and few months later the end Light This City went bankrupt when we Jovi and you even have Bon Jovi third on the music business is not in a good state
of the band. were already composing the second album. your personal MySpace page [http://www. for new hard rock bands to show them-
Q: Faithfull signed to Vinny Records and We felt we lost some time since we had a], do you feel selves live, so... the future will tell.
released Light This City on November 21, contract for 3 more albums with the label. fans will be drawn to the band because of Q: Have you signed for a second release
that? on Perris?
A: I hope not! Many people say A: For now we have a deal for Horizons.
Light This City, and especially We'd like to have a long relation with Per-
my voice, sounds like Bon Jovi ris but it all depends on how this album is
in the 80's. Although I take that received by those who still support bands
as a complement and don't deny and buy their CD's.
my influences, since Bon Jovi are Q: Well Sérgio it has been a pleasure
another "relative" of mine, Faithfull talking with you and congratulations on
and I never intended to sound like the new CD Horizons on Perris Records.
them. If that happens, it's because Would you like to say anything in conclu-
unconsciously they are present in sion?
our musical nature like many other A: I'd like to thank you and invite every-
bands we grew up listening to. body to listen to Horizons because we have
Q: Let's get into some tracks off great pleasure doing music and we love
Horizons. The first track "Time Flies" sharing it with people.
is a hard hitter right off the bat, has
good hooks smooth guitar work,
very catchy. It has all the AOR me-
lodic style. How do you decide what
track opens the CD?
A: Like we did with our debut, we
want people to feel a good vibe right
from the beginning as they push the
play button. With that kind of a song
we are telling people that if they're
expecting to hear the new millen-
nium cliché rock sound, they better
pick another CD.
Q: Track three, "Save The Clowns,"
is a great tune that has an arena
chorus and the guitar work by Rui
has classic AOR roots. Is this one of
your favorite tracks?
2003. Light This City was album of the We kept playing live and following our par- A: Definitely! That was one of the first
month in Burrn! Magazine (Japan) and allel careers to put food on the table. Since songs we composed for this album and it
#11 in the Japanese TOP 50 Rock/HR/HM giving up is not part of our vocabulary and gives us a lot of energy every time we play Interviewer’s e-mail:
chart. The CD got 5 stars on the webzine music is what feeds our souls, we decided it. It's like plugging your fingers into a wall
RockReport and you ended up touring with to record a 4-song EP with our own finan- socket. Interviewer’s web site:
Whitesnake in Lisbon. Tell us what that cial support and present it to the labels. It Q: "Do You Give A Damn" seems a little
Mary Ouellette 4
PUBLISHER "Revn" Kevin LeFebvre BLACK 5
Tom Mathers 7
Rocknation 9
WRITERS P.O. Box 841533 3 DOORS 10 & 11
Mary Ouellette Houston, TX 77284 BUZZ FEST & STATION BENEFIT 12
"Revn" Kevin LeFebre Phone (281) 550.0988 FRAZE 13
Brian Rademacher Fax (775) 719-4768 15
Jeffrey Easton
Derrick Miller Rocknation newspaper is in over 425 CD stores and hundreds of Rock Clubs and music related stores in 46 states nationwide.