Page 11 - ISSUE 9
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ROCKNATION ISSUE 9                                                                                                                  PAGE 11
  nobody’s business but I do support
  the troops. They don’t have a choice;
  they aren’t doing what they do for the
  Rocknation:  Your last album debuted
  on Billboard charts at #1, which is hard
  to beat. Does that add any pressure
  with this new album or is it more of a
  "been there done that" kind of feeling?
  Chris:  Well of course we want it to
  come in at number one but who really
  knows. Record sales are so weird now,
  what does it really mean at the end of
  the day? Another plaque to hang on
  the wall?
  Rocknation:  So no pressure?
  Chris:  No, I just want to be successful;
  I don’t care if we’re number 1, number
  5 or number 10. It’s all about sleeping
  at night to me.
  Rocknation:  From the first day that the
  band came together until this very day,
  what has been your proudest moment   to sleep.                         they sell. Its money coming from all dif- that kind of instrument so PRS made
  as a member of 3 Doors Down?        Rocknation:  So did you rig the police   ferent places, The National Guard and  that kind of instrument for me. The
  Chris:  My proudest moment and I’m   car and fire truck sirens to ring a 3   AIG are big contributors, people really  guitars they built for me are the ones
  sure there are other times when I’ve   Doors Down tune?                care. It really worked out.         they sell, it’s the same thing all the way
  been just as proud, but after Hurricane   Chris:  No but I guarantee I’ve got a    Rocknation:  I know you have your   through and it’s really unheard of but I
  Katrina hit we were able to do some   get out of jail free card in that town.  own signature guitar out now through   just wanted to prove it to people. So if
  really cool things for people that were   Rocknation:  And you were personally  PRS Guitars.  I read a story that a   anybody has one and they want me to
  affected by it. Not just once, several   affected by Katrina as well so it’s pretty  fan sent in to the band where he told   play it bring it on out!
  times, and not the same people, differ-  admirable that you were looking out for  about you playing his guitar during one  Rocknation:  Yeah I might buy one my-
  ent people. One of the things we did   everyone else while you went through  of your shows before giving it back to   self now just so I can get you to play it
  that I was really proud to be a part of,   your own hardships.         him. I think it’s these kinds of things   on stage for me!
  the city of Waveland, MS was basically   Chris:  It was really a nightmare. It   that really give fans a deep apprecia-  Chris:  I’ll sure do it. It’s going to sound
  wiped off the face of the earth. The   really did hit me. I couldn’t even get   tion for what you do. With the level of   great, it’s a great guitar, as a matter of
  whole city was devastated, not just   into my house because of the filth and  success that you’ve experienced how   fact, it’s a masterpiece!
  a few houses, all of the houses, not   the muck. I started in my garage and it  do you not let it go to your head?  Rocknation:  What’s the one thing you
  just a few buildings, every building, all   took three or four days of just cleaning.  Chris:  I don’t know any other way.   look back upon now with regards to
  the schools, all the hospitals – gone.   I had been on the road for basically   That’s one of the reasons I play PRS   the music industry and think, "If I only
  They didn’t have any infrastructure   two years straight and hadn’t seen my  Guitars because of the way that the   knew then what I know now?"
  at all, they didn’t have any fire trucks   kids and my family and that’s what I   company is and the way that I am and  Chris:  All kinds of stuff. If I knew that
  or police cars, telephones, comput-  came home to. My family evacuated
  ers nothing. The fire department was   but we went from living in the home
  basically sleeping on a cement slab   where my kids were born and grew up
  that had just been under ten feet of   to living in a travel trailer and not even
  water. It was filthy. They are trying to   on our own property because it was
  rescue people from the destruction and   condemned from the salt water and
  working twenty four hours a day trying   the fuel and and all the bodies float-
  to get people out alive and they didn’t   ing around. It was just crazy. We had
  even have a place to sleep. One of the   to live in Alabama for three months
  coolest things that we’ve ever done is   and I drove back and forth each day
  we bought them a fire truck. It wasn’t   to clean. One day I just lost it. I was
  a very cool one but it was functional,   sitting in my house and the emotions
  and they still own it. We bought them   welled up and I couldn’t control it. It
  three police cars and some computers   was one of the worst experiences that
  so they could get back on their feet   I’ve ever had, I’ll say that.
  and we gave them our tour bus for a   Rocknation:  Well, I think it’s great
  month so they would have someplace   how much awareness the band has
                                                         brought to the is-
                                                         sue through your
                                                         charitable events.
                                                         The band started  the way I want my kids to be. It’s all   downloading was coming I would have
                                                         The Better Life   relative, be real and true and have a   tried to prepare for that. Downloading
                                                         Foundation and   good time and really there’s room for   has slit some throats in this industry,
                                                         has raised over   everyone to have fun here. And I think  guys like us don’t feel it as much as
                                                         2 million dollars   about how cool it would have been   the little guys do but there are bands
                                                         since you started  when I was a kid if my favorite guitar   that don’t exist because of it now.
                                                         it. Can you tell us  player played my guitar on stage.  They don’t have a chance. When the
                                                         a little bit about   Rocknation:  Forget about when you   business changes it takes years for it
                                                         that?           were a kid, even now that’s pretty awe- to come around and for people to get
                                                         Chris:  Better Life  some.                          their feet back on the ground. There is
                                                         is what made the  Chris:  Yeah exactly. I gave Gary Ross- lot of good bands out there that people
                                                         fire trucks and po- ington one of my guitars to sign and he  are never going to hear now, a lot of
                                                         lice cars possible.  played it, not onstage, just backstage   broken lives.
                                                         To this day we   in the dressing room but still it was so  Rocknation:  The rumor is that there
                                                         still take a dollar   cool. This was before I had my signa-  will be a summer tour with 3 Doors
                                                         from every ticket  ture but I said that if I ever was lucky   Down, Staind and Hinder, can you
                                                         sold and Monster  enough to get a signature guitar I want- confirm this?
                                                         Music donates   ed to be a nice enough guitar where   Chris:  Yes. We’ll be all over North
                                                         ten dollars from   someone could go and purchase it   America, it’s going to be a good time,
                                                         every one of our  in a music store and go right into the   and we’re looking forward to it. I can’t
                                                         live DVDs that   studio and work with it, I want it to be   wait!
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