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PAGE 8                                                                 A: That’s a great question!                  ROCKNATION ISSUE 9
            KELDIAN                                                      Picking the right opener is  
                                                                         very important. You want
                                                                         the kind of reaction you
        Exclusive Interview with Christer Andresen                       a song that can elicit just
                                                                         described right now! To
               of Keldian by Brian Rademacher                            the point, catchy, heavy.
                                                                         We usually discover the
  Q: Hello Christer and Welcome to Rockna- pretty quick turnaround since you released   opener quite early on. I’m
  tion.  So when you started working on your  your debut last year.  Recording the new   obsessive about running
  debut CD "Heaven's Gate" you released it   CD, was there anything you did differently   order, so I always start
  as a demo in 2005. After that, the project   from your debut in the recording process?  thinking about that way
  was put on hold for about a year.  What   A: Arild worked really hard on creating a   too early. But we re-
  was the reason for the delay?       great sound, fatter bottom and majestic   ally know when we hear
  A: We did a demo in the summer of 2005,   soundscapes. I’m really pleased with the   the song. We set high
  really just to see if we could write and re-  sound of this album. And we also wrote   standards for ourselves. It
  cord metal tunes because we always loved  songs differently. On the first record Arild   needs to kick our asses if
  that kind of music. We wrote and recorded  and I came in with a bunch of completed   it’s going on the album.
  5 songs – "Crusader", "Requiem for the   songs each, but this time we came in with   Q: "Lords of Polaris" is
  Light", "Heaven’s Gate", "Beyond the Stars"  a bunch of parts each. So we sat down and   another phenomenal track
  and "Plains of Forever". It probably still   one of us would say "I think this could be   that has a feel of religious
  exists somewhere and some of the record- a great chorus" and the other would say   Goth. I really enjoyed this
  ings actually ended up on the album. We   "Yeah, I think I’ve got an idea that would fit   track and it gives an uplift-
  liked what we heard, so we decided to write  there". It was a lot more fun, really! And I   ing spirit feeling. Can you
  more songs and make an album.       think the songs got a much cooler vibe that   give us any background
  Q: You came back together in early sum-  way, because we both reacted to the ideas   on this track?
  mer 2006 and reworked some of the tracks  on the spot. It was fresh for us, and we   A: At the moment this is my favorite on the  loween, and Stratovarius. Have many fans
  and also omitted some. Did you omit songs  managed to give every single song great   album. I think it’s a good example of the   of those bands e-mailed you with there
  because you had other tracks now that you  attention and give each of them a unique   way we’ve opened things up a bit, let a little  feelings of Keldian music?
  thought were more of a priority?    atmosphere.                        more air into the arrangements. We knew   A: Many people tell us we remind them
  A: We kept all 5 demo songs, and added   Q: Is there also a bonus track for a Japa-  we needed to go a step further with this   of those bands, but the really cool thing
  another 5. I still think those original 5 Kel-  nese release?          record, and "Lords of Polaris" was a great   is that no one says we sound exactly like
  dian tracks really stand out. They might be  A: The album will be out in Japan, but I   example of how this manifested itself in the  anything. People seem to feel that Keldian
  the best songs on the first album, I think.   don’t know about a bonus track yet. We’ll   studio. We had the chorus, but wanted to   has created a unique sound that blends a
  We re-recorded most of them, and added   have to wait and see.         do different stuff for the verse and middle   lot of classic metal influences, and that’s
  5 new tunes, and that became the first   Q: You once again used Maja Svisdahl   eight than we usually do. Just drums and   really exciting. It’s important to us that we
  Keldian album.                      [] on   keys on the verse? Yeah, cool! Gregorian   build our own thing, because there will be
  Q: "Heaven’s Gate" was finally released on  "Journey of Souls". What elements make   chants leading into the chorus? Sure, man!  at least 10 Keldian albums, I promise you!
  Perris Records in 2007 and received great  her special on this album?  We really wanted to build a picture, where   Q: Is Keldian basically a studio band or are
  reviews. The CD was then released in Ja-  A: She has a really soothing voice that   you could visualize barren snowscapes and  there plans to play live shows?
  pan.  On the Japanese release you added  lends a rich texture to the sound. We’ve   northern lights flashing across the sky. I   A: We’d love to! But our focus has been on
  a bonus track called "Hope."  Were there   used many different singers on this record   love the song.     creating good records, because you need
  any other differences in the two releases?  to create a specific sound for each song,   Q: Will there be a video made for a particu- great music to build a following on. Putting
  A: "Hope" was the Japanese bonus track,   and it’s always great to have Maja’s voice   lar tune?           a show on the road would take work and
  and then "Plains of Forever" was edited   on there. People will recognize her.  A: "Lords of Polaris" is a likely candidate.   money, because we won’t do it unless we
  and slightly remixed for Japan.     Q: You also have Jorn Holen, drummer for  And "Reaper" might also work. There will   can give you a great show. If the records
  Q: When you signed to Perris Records   the Norwegian black-metal bands Vreid   be a video.                 keep doing well, and people want us to
  were you at all skeptical that Perris was   and Windir. Do you feel Jorn brings in the   Q: I really can’t pick a favorite song off the  tour, we’ll certainly listen.
  getting involved in different genres when   Helloween comparison that I read in so   new CD (there’s too many), what’s your   Q: What is the goal you hope to achieve
  they were very strong on eighties rock?   many reviews on "Heaven’s Gate?"  favorite track?                with the "Journey of Souls" record?
  Not a label known for power metal or other  A: Well, the songs are what they are, and   A: What I know is that I’m happy with all   A: We hope that it sells well! And we hope
  genres?                             some are probably reminiscent of Hellow-  of them. On the last record I thought there   that the fans feel that we are building
  A: That didn’t bother us at all. We knew that  een. But Jorn can play any style of rock   was stuff we could have done differently on  something good here, and that they want
  Perris was a big indie, which means good   and metal music, there is really nothing he  certain tracks, to be more inventive. This   us to keep making this kind of music. Be-
  distribution. And Tom Mathers at Perris saw  can’t do. He has always been great, but   time I’m happy with the attention given to   cause we’re eager to go on making Keldian
  that Keldian could have appeal for people   this time his playing had gotten even bet-  all the songs. I’m curious to find out how   records.
  who were into AOR and more melodic   ter, which really blew my mind! He nails it   people react to the more epic songs, like   Q: Rocknation would like to thank you for
  things. We hadn’t thought about that, so we  quickly and is a true professional. We also  "Memento Mori", which is almost 10 min-  taking time out to talk with us and "Jour-
  probably thought the album would appeal   had the pleasure of having another 2 drum- utes long. That one is a favorite of mine.  ney of Souls" is one helluva release. The
  the most to metal fans. Perris made us   mers on this record: H-man from California  Q: Seems that Keldian always has special  musicianship is extreme, the arrangements
  realize we could have a crossover appeal,  who has played with LA Guns and The   effects on their releases, like rain drops   are top notch, Keldian fans should rejoice
  which was great.                    Black Crowes, and Per Hillestad, who has   or other sounds, is that done to give the   and hurry to get this one. If you like some
  Q: What do you feel was the strongest   played with everyone important in Norway,  songs a certain feeling?  tasty keyboards, riveting guitar work and
  track on "Heaven’s Gate?"           including A-Ha. They both delivered awe-  A: Definitely! We try not to overdo that stuff,  phenomenal songs, this is it. Would you
  A: I love "Plains of Forever". That song   some drumming.              but I think Arild is really good at finding   like to end with some parting words?
  stands out for me – the writing, the playing  Q: Now let’s get down to some of the tracks  atmospheric effects that contribute to the   A: It’s so cool that you like the record, be-
  and singing, the production. It all adds up   on "Journey of Souls." The opening song   mood that the music and lyrics are commu- cause we really put in a lot of work to make
  to a really special vibe. That is something   "The Last Frontier" is killer! It’s melodic, yet  nicating. But it’s important to balance it just  this one great. It’s important to us that
  we have tried to develop further on the   has the power to drive the song with some  right, and sometimes we take it off.  we try as hard as we can to make great
  new record, creating atmospheres with the  great guitar and I totally understand why   Q: "Journey of Souls" has such an array of  records, and we hope the people out there
  songs.                              you use Jorn Holen. The guy sure does   different directions going from power metal,  give it a listen. If you’re into classic melodic
  Q: Now in 2008 you’re ready to release   kick it up on the tracks. What is the process  folk metal, rock, but every song brings a   metal of some kind, Keldian is trying to
                                                                                                             please you! Thanks for the talk, Brian.
  your new CD "Journey of Souls," which is a  when picking a song to open your CD with? new turn. I hear sounds of Europe, Hel-
  NEWS                                                                   is supporting our troops. The CDs have   and our future. This is about giving back to

                                                                                                             those who give all.”  To donate or for more
                                                                         a retail value of over $100,000.00. Since
                                                                         December 2002 Give2TheTroops Inc. has
                                                                                                             information contact:
                                                                         of deployed U.S. troops with loving care
                                                                                                             ROCKNATION MONSTER GIVEAWAY
  Perris Records President Tom Mathers                                   supported HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS ...
  met with Colonel Edward Shock, chief of                                packages and letters from all over the   Rocknation will be giving away a musical
  the Armed Forces Entertainment division,                               nation. This was made possible only with   equipment package to one lucky band on
  in Austin Texas at the SXSW festival. The                              the help of tens of thousands of gener-  Myspace. Sponsor’s included will be Paul
  Colonel explained that, “Keeping troop mo-                             ous and patriotic friends in the U.S. and   Reed Smith, Shure Inc., Avedis Zildjian
  rale high is one of the most important func-                           abroad. To date, Give2TheTroops Inc. has  Company, Vic Firth, MacEachern Drums
  tions of Armed Forces Entertainment.” He                               sent more than 48,000 enormous boxes   George Lynch “Dojo” online program,
  also said, “I have the best job in the world   Tom Mathers and Colonel Edward Shock   and more than 15 million letters and cards   Guitar Grip and many more. Rocknation
  traveling around the world brings music to   at SXSW, March 15th       from caring citizens. Representatives for   will pick winning band by on August 25th,
  the troups.”  Bands interested in perform-                             Give2TheTroops have stated that, “This is   and they will appear in the Rocknation
  ing for the troops worldwide should contact   Perris Records donated over 8,000 CDs to  the least we can do to show our troops how   Issue 11. Over 10,000 bands are projected
  the Armed Forces Entertainment, and tell   the deployed U.S. Troops. Perris Records   much we care about them. Our troops need  to enter this contest.  More details at:
  them Rocknation sent you.  More details at:  shipped the CDs after hearing about   to know that we support and appreciate the  ...  Give2TheTroops Inc., a foundation that   sacrifices they make for us, our families,
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