Page 4 - ISSUE 9
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can deliver. “The debut Kingdom
record is doing very well. Relapse
put it out and the fans love it,”
related Jamie. “The songs were
something that did not fit Hate-
breed and in fact were recorded
before Supremacy which paved
the way for that record to happen.”
Kingdom Of Sorrow is a dark band
but with a sense of humor. Visit
their MySpace page and listen to
the songs they have up, you will be
If you recall Jamie hosted Head-
bangers Ball for a few years after
it was brought back to life by MTV.
I never got the chance to watch it
much but what I did see, I thought
Jamie came across great. “I would
consider doing The Headbangers
Ball again but at the same time
I am happy to have my freedom
back,” Jamie responded when
asked if he would go back. “The
traveling was the hard part of the
By Jeffrey Easton job, but we broke so many bands
which is the part I am happy
How can you think of hardcore casions the train that is Hatebreed merch at shows which is something about.” Headbangers did break
without thinking of Hatebreed? But and the show on the floor almost we need.” I understand the need bands like Killswitch Engage and
they go so far beyond hardcore. matched he show on stage, that is for outside support and when I at- Lamb Of God to the unsuspecting
You also cannot think of Hatebreed power. tend a Jager promoted show you masses so it did do its job. Ja-
without thinking of their enigmatic Speaking of tours, Hatebreed are know Jager is present but again the mie is doing a great job bringing
frontman, Jamie Josta. Hatebreed about to embark on a huge months music is always first. hardcore metal to the masses and
incorporates the best elements long trek with none other than the Kingdom Of Sorrow, Jamie’s other keeping the underground music in
of down tuned metal, punk and long running Goth metallers Type project, is a brutal assault to the front of peoples faces and he de-
thrash to make a whole new genre O Negative. At first I am sure you senses that none other than Jamie serves the hails that he receives.
of music with a maniacal legion are thinking to yourself, "Goth and
of fans that follow Hatebreed’s Hardcore, cannot happen." But, oh
every move. One of their latest yes it can. There are similarities
moves was recording a DVD to at the core and the fans will unite
be released by Koch later on this in the pit. “We always wanted to
year. “I signed to Koch for just the play with Type O,” asserted Jamie
DVD and live album because they when asked why they are going out
were offering a better deal for their with them. “We wanted to bring
release,” stated Jamie when asked the two crowds together and give
why Roadrunner was not releas- them an eclectic show and not give
ing the DVD. “Usually a live DVD them the same three bands.” I will
or CD is just given to a label but buy into that, as I have witnessed
Roadrunner were not going to com- too many shows where one band
mit a budget to the release and we ran into another and the sound
wanted to go with a label who was remained the same, never any
going to get behind the DVD.” diversity.
A DVD from Hatebreed can only When you go out to a lot of the
mean one thing, a brutal, sweaty, shows now you see huge amounts
dirty show showing the ugly side of tour support from many major
of Hatebreed, the live side. “We companies like Jagermeister and
recorded shows in Philly, Detroit Monster Energy Drinks. Some
and New Haven amongst other bands do not believe in outside
cities during the Supremacy album help but in the times we now live in,
touring cycle,” Jamie replied when bands that still want to pound the
asked where the material came stages as much as Hatebreed need
from. “It shows 3,000 people beat- all the promotional support they
ing each other up in a sweaty mosh can get. “Jager promotes us more
pit.” When a band of this stature now than the record companies
releases a DVD or live disc, a tour can these days, they really make
usually follows. So what kind of the band #1,” related Jamie on
tour will there be in support of said why they choose outside support.
disc? “We will support the DVD “Having Jager is very important
with a small club tour of the cities to us because record companies
we will not hit with our current tour,” do not have the financial ability to
asserted Jamie. “We will bring the promote us anymore,” asserted Ja-
fans a new experience that we mie. “Jager puts bands first. They
usually cannot deliver with a bigger print the posters, take out the adds,
tour.” I have witnessed on a few oc- give away stickers, picks and other