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ROCKNATION ISSUE 9                                                                                                                   PAGE 3
                                                                         back with Warrant and also on your other
                                                                         project, Saints of the Underground.  Will
                                                                         Warrant be playing their first show at Rock-
                                                                         lahoma this year or will there be any warm
                                                                         up shows?
                                                                         Jani:  The Warrant/Cinderella tour starts
                                                                         July 1st.  So, we’ll have a few shows under
                                                                         our belt by the time we get there.
                                                                         Rocknation:  Have you been working on
                                                                         any new material with Warrant yet?
                                                                         Jani:  Yes, we plan do have a new CD out
                                                                         in 2009.
                                                                         Rocknation:  What is the feeling like being
                                                                         back with all original members?
                                                                         Jani:  Total time warp!
                                                                         Rocknation:  Will the tour be worldwide?
                                                                         Jani:  Yes, we plan to play anywhere they   September the latest.
                                                                         have good looking women and electricity.  Rocknation:  You also worked with Slash’s
                                                                         Rocknation:  So what’s going on with your   SnakePit.  If Slash’s name was in the dic-
                                                                         second solo album?                  tionary, what should it say about him?
                                                                         Jani:  That, for the moment, is on hold.  Keri:  Slash is a brother! You know he’s just
                                                                         Rocknation:  Now moving onto Saints of   a really cool cat that just wants to hang out
                                                                         the Underground and the new release Love   with his bros and play the Rawk!  Truthfully,
                                                                         the Sin, Hate the Sinner. What can fans   its really that simple.  We always stay in
                                                                         expect from the new CD?             touch.  I just
                                                                         Jani:  I think it’s a straight up rock CD. No   checked him out in Arizona for a Superbowl
                                                                         jumping on any bandwagons here...just   party that Velvet Revolver was playing.  I
    Interviews with Bobby Blotzer, Jani Lane and                                          some guys who have a  actually thought they were great at that
                                                                                          lot of experience doing
                                                                                                             show, then three days later Scott was in
        Keri Kelli of Saints of the Underground                                           what they do best!  rehab; now he’s out of the band.  Trippy.  I’ll
                                                                                          Rocknation:  Do you
                 By:  Brian Rademacher                                                    have any other proj-  be playing with Slash and Alice May 8th in
                                                                                                             Los Angeles.  I think Matt Sorum will be on
                                                                                          ects you would like to   drums.
  The SAINTS OF THE UNDERGROUND       great.  We are musicians to                         talk about?        Rocknation:  You are also working with
  formed in 2006 with Bobby Blotzer and Keri  make a living.  I don’t think we            Jani:  I’m busy enough   Saints Of The Underground and co-wrote
  Kelli recruiting Jani Lane and Robbie Crane  are the first ones to do it.               with Saints and War-  songs for the new release Love the Sin,
  to fill out the roster. Separately, these   Rocknation:  What was the                   rant. I still write for   Hate the Sinner with Jani Lane. Was the
  musicians have achieved multi-platinum   atmosphere recording the new                   some other people but   interaction working on the new CD any dif-
  success, but together they have combined  CD? And how long did it take                  that’s about it.   ferent then in the past with others?
  their talents into an exciting new sound that  to lay down the tracks?                  Rocknation:  Rockna-  Keri:  No not really different at all.  Jani and
  fuses killer hooks, big guitars, and rock-n-  Bobby:  We started in May at              tion wishes you the   I are also tight brothers and always work
  roll attitude!                      my studio in Houston, I just                        best with the new   together. He’s at my house writing and
                                      finished building it. It was                        release Love the Sin,   recording all the time, so it was just another
  INTERVIEW WITH BOBBY BLOTZER        done in pieces, we did the                          Hate the Sinner and   day at the office so to speak.  He and I
  Rocknation:  When you formed Saints of   rhythm tracks at my place and                  I’m sure fans can’t wait   just spent three or so full days writing and
  the Underground was the intention of the   then Keri had to go out with                 to see you out on tour.   recording demos and next thing we knew,
  band just to go out and have a good time   Alice Cooper. So I brought                   Would you like to say   we had the tunes for the CD!
  or was it always in the back of your mind to  Jani in to do some vocals at my place and   anything in conclusion?  Rocknation:  What song do you feel is the
  end up recording new material, as you did   he did some back at Keri’s place. It was   Jani:  I hope all the Warrant, Ratt and just   strongest on Love the Sin, Hate the Sin-
  with your upcoming release Love the Sin,   a seven month thing only because it was   plain R-n-R fans grab this disc and rock   ner?
  Hate the Sinner?                    done in pieces.  We did very little with wave  out!! Enjoy and I’ll see you all on tour!  Keri:  My personal opinion is “All In How
  Bobby:  The Saints were originally called   files through the internet.  Most everything                   You Wear It.”  I think its a very powerful
  Angel City Outlaws and we changed the   was done in the studio but Keri did some-  INTERVIEW WITH KERI KELLI  contemporary rock track but still has all the
  name to Saints of the                            thing minimal through the   Rocknation:  You also tour with Alice   hooks in a commercial radio sense.  Next
  Underground. It was me,                          internet.             Cooper and I heard rumors that you’re co-  for me would probably be “Bruised.”  Again,
  Jani Lane, Robbie Crane,                         Q:  The tracks you have   writing some of the tunes on the upcoming   powerful hook-y chorus, yet contemporary
  and Keri Kelli.  Then Jani                       on the SOTU MySpace   release Along Came A Spider, is that true?    sounding and neat Brian May-ish guitar
  wasn’t doing it and we got                       sound excellent, my favor-  And how’s that coming along?  harmonies!
  John Corabi to sing. We                          ite being “All In How You   Keri:  Yes, We wrote about 15 tunes for the
  would do it just to have                         Wear It” and “Tomorrow   CD.  Basically Coop, Chuck Garric and I.
  fun and make some extra                          Never Comes.”  What do   We recorded masters for a handful of them
  funds. Then I got a called                       you feel is the strongest   the last couple weeks.  The CD is coming
  to do a Judas Priest tribute                     song you guys recorded?  along pretty cool! Coop has a whole story
  record with Ratt.  Warren                        A:  I think it would be the   line for the thing so its a little more then just
  DeMartini didn’t want to                         one I wrote and recorded   10 or 12 song thrown
  do it so I brought it to the                     three times until I got   together.
  Angel City Outlaws and                           it right which is “Good   Rocknation:  Have there been any projects
  we did it.  The production                       Times.”  I also like “Signs   that you really wanted to work on but had
  company that was fund-                           of Life,” “Bruised,” and   to
  ing that record asked us if                      “Dead Man Shoes” which   turn down because of other commitments?
  we would be interested in                        is the single off the record   Keri:  All the time.Scheduling is very tough
  doing a record of all new                        I think.              these days, especially when you want to
  material.  Corabi couldn’t                       Rocknation:  When they   work
  do it so we went back to                         did the Ratt behind the   all the time like I do.  Hell, I might have to
  Lane and he was interested so we started   music did you have any kind in-put into the   cancel a Week Cruise to Cabo due to a TV   Rocknation:  Will the band tour?
  getting our tunes together.         making of?                         filming                             Keri:  We hope too! The obviously problem
  Rocknation:  Were there other friend musi-  Bobby:  I would talk to the director or   in Germany with Coop in a couple weeks!  is everybody’s schedules.  I’d like to do
  cians that you considered for the band?  producer and I’m a fan of the show. I know   Rocknation:  Do you feel that Along Came   something in May/June if at all possible.
  Bobby:  Not really, Robbie Crane was start- it’s a drama series but let’s try and focus   A Spider is a return to the vintage Cooper   The new Coop tour starts July 3rd, so I’ll be
  ing a home business so he couldn’t come   on some good stuff here. Let’s not make it   of the past?        out until Thanksgiving from what I’m told.
  to Texas, so Chuck Wright recorded on the  a downer Robbin Crosby heroin died story.   Keri:  Well there are some definitely “old   For more information on Saints of the Un-
  album, but Robbie was always the member  I know that’s going to be a big part of the   school” elements on it.  I actually got some   derground go to:
  in the band.                        story. They complied to a degree, but they   really cool vintage type guitar tones and   underground  and
  Rocknation:  Do you foresee others in the   also got some facts distorted.  The big-  used an array of different guitars.  It seems   To win a guitar autographed by members
  music field following a trend, since now we  gest let down to me was to view the Juan   to be kind of turning out like a 2010 version   of Saints of the Undergound (Bobby
  also have Big Nozie with Carlos Cavaso   Croucier portion. That was not comfortable   of Billion Dollar Babies or something...I   Blotzer, Jani Lane, Keri Kelli and Robbie
  and Joe Lynn Tuner?                 for me to watch.                   think?!?!                           Crane) go to
  Bobby:  I think everybody wants to play and                            Rocknation:  Can you give us any insight   We would like to thank Schecter Guitars
  wants to earn money at their craft. It’s fun,  INTERVIEW WITH JANI LANE  about the Along Came A Spider release?  for donating a Diamond Series guitar for
  and if we can make some money at it that’s  Rocknation:  Congratulations on reforming   Keri:  I’ve heard 3 different timelines,   this giveaway.
                                                                         nothing in Stone. I believe it will be out by
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