Page 9 - FOB_Guide_FY20
P. 9


        Goodwill-Easter Seals Minnesota

                                                                                           TOP REASONS TO
       A Health Savings Account (HSA) is a tax favored savings account                       HAVE AN HSA

       allowing you to save pre-tax dollars in addition to receiving GESMN
                                                                                 Tax Saving & Earned Interest — Contributions
       contributions to help pay for medical related expenses.
                                                                                 are tax-deductible and earn tax-free interest.
       GESMN will contribute towards your HSA for 2020, if you are enrolled
                                                                                 Portability — You own your account, so even if
       in a GESMN medical plan; you are eligible for an HSA, and you have        you change jobs, your HSA funds are yours to
       established your HSA account with Associated Bank. Please note, you       keep.
       will not receive your HSA contribution until you open your account.       Affordable Health Coverage — Use the HSA to

       GESMN’s contributions for 2020 remain at:                                 cover 100% of out-of-pocket costs for routine
                                                                                 medical expenses, such as office visits, lab tests,
        $500      Employee only medical coverage = $19.23 per pay
                                                                                 and prescription medications.
        $1,000   Employee + 1 or more medical coverage = $38.46 per pay
                                                                                 Long-Term Savings — Contributions to your
                                                                                 HSA accumulate and roll over year-to-year with
       2020 IRS limits to your HSA:                                              no limit, which allows the account to grow tax-
       • $3,550/single or $7,100/family (employer and employee
                                                                                 Retirement Bonus — After age 65, funds may
          contributions combined).
                                                                                 be withdrawn for any reason with no penalties.
       • Age 55 and older may contribute an additional contribution              (If used for non-medical purposes, however,

          annually of up to $1,000.                                              taxes will be imposed.)
                                                                                 Safety Net — AN HSA has no “use it or lose it”
                                                                                 restrictions, so balances can be built up to use
       Additional HSA information:
                                                                                 for major medical events.
       • It is not required for employees to contribute their own HSA
                                                                                 Coverage for the “Extras” — HSA funds may be
          monies to receive the GESMN HSA employer contribution.                 used to pay for services often not covered by a
       • HSA accounts are not available to employees who are eligible for a      medical plan, including dental and vision
          spouse’s medical flexible spending Account (FSA), unless the
          spouse’s medical FSA is a limited medical FSA. This also includes      Money that Works for You — Balances over a

          GESMN Flexible Spending Accounts.                                      certain amount may be invested.
       • If you are covered on the High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP), but       Empowerment — Take control of your health
                                                                                 care decisions, including which providers you
          you are also covered on another group health plan (such as your
                                                                                 want to use, to ensure your health care dollars
          spouse’s group plan) that is not an HDHP, you would also be            are spent wisely.
          ineligible to make contributions to an HSA.

       • Contributions cannot be made to the HSA of members who are
          entitled to (eligible and enrolled in) benefits under Medicare, or
          other disqualifying coverage.
       • Employees that fund a new HSA account with the max
          contribution allowed, must be enrolled for the entire plan year,
          otherwise  penalties will be applied in accordance with
          federal/state tax laws.

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