Page 10 - Privacy_Program
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Director of Information   DP101.2   Maintenance of Data. Public Data [and Private and Confidential Data] must be
        Technology, Privacy and             maintained in arrangement and condition that makes access convenient.
        Data Security with Chief            (Minn. Stat. §13.03 subd. 1.)
        Services and Programs
        Directors and Data

        Director of              DP101.3    Determine and Document Describing Type of Private and Confidential Data
        Information                         held by GESMN. The Responsible Authority must determine the Data
        Technology, Privacy                 Classification of all Government Data.  (Minn. Admin. Rule 1205.0800.). The
        and Data Security with              Responsible Authority must prepare a public document that describes the
                                            types of Private and Confidential Data that GESMN has, including forms used
        Chief Services and
                                            to collect such data and update the document annually (by August 1 of each
        Programs Officer,
                                            year).  (Minn. Stat. § 13.05 subd. 1.
        Program Directors and
        Data Management
        All Employees with       DP101.4    Minimum Necessary. Collect, Store, Access, Use and Disclose only
        Access to PRPI                      Government Data Necessary to Perform Services. Staff will only collect and
                                            store Public Data and access and disclose Private and Confidential Data as
                                            necessary to perform their jobs and to provide contracted services to the State
                                            of Minnesota and other government agencies. A staff member is not permitted
                                            to collect, store or access Private or Confidential Data for any other reason,
                                            such as out of concern for a coworker or curiosity, or for a participant they are
                                            not working with. See also DP‐140 MINIMUM COLLECTION AND USE, and DP‐
                                            162 DISCLOSING AND REQUESTING THE MINIMUM DATA NECESSARY.

        All Employees with       DP101.5    Rules Regarding Private and Confidential Data Use and Disclosure. “Private
        Access to PRPI                      Data” and “Confidential Data” of Participants qualifies as “Privacy Restricted
                                            Information”, under DP 112 – DATA CLASSIFICATION POLICY.

        All Employees with       DP101.6    Privacy‐Restricted Participant Data will only be used for the purpose stated to
        Access to PRPI                      the participant when the data was collected unless:

        All Employees with      DP101.6.a   A law enacted or rule issued after collection of the data authorizes a different
        Access to PRPI                      use;

        All Employees with      DP101.6.b   The Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Administration approves a
        Access to PRPI                      different use necessary to carry out a function provided by law;

        All Employees with      DP101.6.c   The participant that is the subject of the data provides informed consent.
        Access to PRPI

        All Employees with      DP101.6d    Privacy‐Restricted Participant Data will only be used for the purpose stated to
        Access to PRPI                      the participant when the data was collected unless:
        All Employees with      DP101.6.f   A law enacted or rule issued after collection of the data authorizes a different
        Access to PRPI                      use;

        All Employees with      DP101.6.g   The Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Administration approves a
        Access to PRPI                      different use necessary to carry out a function provided by law;

        All Employees with       DP101.7    Privacy‐Restricted Participant Data used and disclosed by GESMN may
        Access to PRPI                      generally only be collected and shared for purposes of determining eligibility
                                            for programs, services and benefits such as:

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