Page 5 - Privacy_Program
P. 5

Exec Team and Privacy & Data
                                                                                          S&P Directors, Managers,   All Employees with Access to  Privacy-Restricted Information   All Employees with Access to  Protected Health Information
                                                                                  All Directors, Managers,      IT Director, PM and IT
                                                                             Security Officer   and Supervisors   and Supervisors

             Policy #   Policy Title

                          Individual Revocation of an Authorization to Disclose
               DP‐133                                                                              
                          PHI and Other PRPI

               DP‐134     Personal Representatives                                                 

               DP‐135     Authorization Exception for Individual Care                              

               DP‐140     Minimum Collection and Use                                                  

               DP‐150     Retention of Personal Data                                                    

               DP‐160     Business Associate Assurance                                                    

               DP‐161     Verification of Entities Requesting PHI                                    

               DP‐162     Disclosing and Requesting the Minimum Necessary                             

               DP‐163     Disclosing PHI for Regulatory and Legal Purposes                           

               DP‐164     Disclosing PHI for Specialized Government Functions                        

               DP‐165     Disclosing PHI for Public Health and Safety                                

               DP‐166     Disclosing PHI for Fundraising Purposes                                    

               DP‐170A    Secure Access to Participant Records – Non-Medical                            

               DP‐170B    Secure Access to Medical Records                                              

               DP‐171     Accounting of Disclosures of PHI                                           

               DP‐180     Privacy Incidents, Complaints, and Compliance                               

               DP‐181     Sanctions for Privacy Violations                                            

        Signature                        Title                         Location                       Date

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