Page 4 - Privacy_Program
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        Employees must review applicable Data Privacy Policies with access to privacy‐restricted information. When the term
        “Employees” is used below, the policy must also be reviewed by interns, contractors, temporary employees and others with the
        same level of access. Applicable policies are those indicated with a. Place a check () on the blank line next to the relevant
        Policy # to show you have reviewed the policy. Sign and date where indicated and return an original sign‐off to the Privacy and
        Data Security Office, at or 553 Fairview Ave No, St. Paul, 55104. Policies must be reviewed

                                        Check () the role that applies to you

                                                                           Exec Team and Privacy & Data   Privacy‐Restricted Information   Protected Health Information
                                                                                   All Directors, Managers,   S&P Directors, Managers,   All Employees with Access to   All Employees with Access to
                                                                                                                IT Director, PM and IT
                                                                              Security Officer   and Supervisors   and Supervisors

             Policy #   Policy Title

               DP‐100     Program Participant Privacy Policy                                          
                          Overview of Minnesota Government Data Practices Act
               DP‐101                                                                                     
                          (MGDPA) Information Safeguards
                          Overview of HIPAA Protected Health Information
               DP‐102                                                                                     

               DP‐110     Privacy Leadership                               

               DP‐111     Privacy Policies                                 

               DP‐112     Data Classification Policy                                                  

               DP‐113     Identifying Protected Health Information (PHI)                              

               DP‐114     Employee Privacy Training                                   

               DP‐120A    Notice of Privacy Practices Regarding PHI                                  

               DP‐120B    Notice of Privacy Practices Regarding PRPI                         

               DP‐121     Online Privacy Statement                         
                          Obtaining Authorization for Use or Disclosure of
               DP‐130A                                                                       
                          Privacy Restricted Participant Information (PRPI)
               DP‐130B      Obtaining Authorization for Use or Disclosure of PHI                       

                          Conditioning Services on the Provision of an
               DP‐131                                                                                
                          Authorization to Disclose PHI
                          Prohibiting the Use of an Invalid Authorization to
               DP‐132                                                                              
                          Disclose PRPI

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