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        Scope: Enterprise
        Distribution: Executive Leadership Team, Director of Information Technology, Privacy and Data Security Data
        Purpose: To comply with Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (“MGDPA”) requirements to the extent applicable to
        GESMN, including providing access to Public Data to members of the public, providing access to Private Data to the subject of
        that data and safeguarding Private and Confidential Data from use or disclosure in violation of the MGDPA. This Policy
        provides an overview of those MGDPA requirements and cites additional GESMN policies that address specific MGDPA
        requirements in more detail.

        DP‐102 applies to services and programs that have contracts with the State of Minnesota or other county or local government
        agencies (e.g., Minneapolis Employment and Training Program, Hennepin County, Ramsey County, Extended Employment and
        others) and staff in divisions that provide support services (e.g., Finance, Legal, IT) to the extent that they collect, store,
        disseminate or use “Private Data” or “Confidential Data” to provide contracted services to the State or other county or local
        government entities (Minnesota Administrative Rule 12.05.0100 subpart 4.)  DP101.1 through DP101.3 do not apply to data
        generated independent of the contractually based activities performed for the State.  (Minn.  Admin. Rule 12.05.0100 subpart
        4.) DP101.4  through DP101.21 apply to all data within Services and Programs, other than information covered under DP102 –
        HIPAA Protected Health Information Safeguards.
        External Regulation or Standard: Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (MGDPA)

        Who is Responsible     Statement    Policy, Standard, or Procedure Statement
         Executive Team          DP101.1    MGDPA Responsible Authority and Data Practices Compliance Official.
                                            MGDPA requires all entities covered by the MGDPA to designate a Responsible
                                            Authority to be responsible for compliance with MGDPA. (Minn. Stat. 13.02
                                            subd. 16.) MGDPA also requires all entities covered by the MGDPA to designate
                                            a Data Practices Compliance Official to respond to questions or concerns about
                                            data access or other data problems.  (Minn. Stat. 13.02 subd. 13.) GESMN’s
                                            Director of Information Technology, Privacy and Data Security is the MGDPA
                                            Responsible Authority and Data Practices Compliance Official.
        Director of Information   DP101.1.a   The Responsible Authority must develop and implement a plan for reviewing
        Technology, Privacy and             and analyzing Government Data administration, including determining need
        Data Security                       for Government Data and disposing of Government Data determined not to be
                                            necessary in accordance with the Minnesota Records Management Act.
                                            (Minn. Admin. Rule 1205.1500.)

        Director of Information   DP101.1.b   The Responsible Authority has the power to: (a) implement the rules within
        Technology, Privacy and             GESMN to comply with MGDPA; (b) make good faith attempts to resolve all
        Data Security                       administrative controversies regarding the Government Data; (c) prescribe
                                            changes to the administration of GESMN programs, procedures or forms to
                                            comply with MGDPA; (d) take administrative actions necessary to comply with
                                            MGDPA; and (e) delegate responsibilities to other staff (but will need to
                                            instruct them on the MGDPA and provide training.   (Minn. Admin. Rule
                                            1205.1100 subpart 3 and 1205.0900.)

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