Page 9 - Managers' Guide to ER_Classical
P. 9


                                                                              EMPLOYEE RELATIONS

               •  For NCNS:
                       o  The manager will notify their HRBP of the NCNS
                       o  The manager will send NCNS specific termination letter
                       o  The manager will send a copy to HR Verify
               •  For employees who are unable to return to work after a leave of absence:
                       o  HR will send a letter to the affected employee


               EMAIL VS. PHONE CALL

               •  Email:
                       o  Emails are discoverable...ALWAYS (even deleted from the deleted folder)
                       o  Only facts should be included, stay away from feelings
               •  Phone Calls:
                       o  Conducted anytime in-depth discussion needed around a situation
                       o  Anytime there is a disagreement with the recommended course of action


               •  An individual’s employment information is private; therefore, should not be shared or discussed
                   with others.
               •  There may be individuals who contact you about an employee, such as a parent, legal guardian,
                   significant other, relative, etc. – We need to speak with the employee directly
                       o  If the employee is physically unable to talk to us, we may relay required, pertinent
                          information to an employee’s designated emergency contacts only
                       o  Notify Human Resources if someone other than the employee is requesting employment
                          information and so HR can take over communications

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