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From The March Cover

                                                                   The Oldest Woman In The World

                                                                                  — By Darwin Porter
                  SYNAGOGUE STAMPS...                              In the city of Toulon in southeastern France, there resides a woman
        An International Postage Tour Of Synagogues             who is verified as the oldest in the world. Since she joined a Catholic
                                                                order in 1944, she’s been called Soeur (Sister) André, born Lucile
          Author: Harvey D. Wolinetz — Reviewed by Anita Finley, Gerontologist  Randon on February 11, 1904, during the era when Theodore Roosevelt
                                                                was in the White House.
        This rare hard bound book is  which were destroyed during the   She is blind and in a wheelchair at the
      extraordinary! I have written many  Pogrom of November 9-10, 1938,  Ste. Catherine Labouré nursing home. In
      reviews throughout the years, but  I dedicate this work. May their   the same establishment, were 88 other res-
      never have I seen such a work of  memories be for a blessing and a   idents, 81 of whom contracted the Covid
                                                                virus, which killed ten of them.
      art about a very unique               reminder to future gen-  As a teenage girl, she opposed the inven-
      and special topic. As                 erations to ensure that  tion of the airplane and motor vehicles. “I
      a life-long stamp col-                such an event never  knew they would be turned into weapons of war to kill millions, and I’ve
      lector, Harvey D. Wo-                 occur again.”       survived two World Wars to see my fear come true.”
                                                                  “I survived the first pandemic in 1918, and I knew I could pull through
      linetz created a spec-                 I would not hesitate  yet another one,” she told the French press. “Once a year on my birth-
      tacular compilation of                to  say  that  there  are   day, I indulge in my favorite dessert, a peach-flavored Baked Alaska
      synagogues shown                      few people who ever  with a glass of champagne. I’m looking forward to having that treat
      through their com-                    knew that synagogues   again on my 118  birthday in 2022.”
                                                                  Incidentally, she is not the oldest verified person on earth. That honor
      memorative stamps                     had stamps showing   goes to Kane Tanaka of Japan who is 118. Most people who are more
      and first day covers. It              their facades; many   than a century old live in the U.S. or Japan.
      is truly an international trip around  of these synagogues  may  no  The oldest verified person who ever lived was 122 years old. Jeanne
      the world of synagogues shown  longer even be there. This is truly  Calment (1875-1997), also a French citizen. All these survivors of “a
      through stamps. This book was  a coffee table book, for guests   century of living” are called “supercentenarians.”
                                                                  “My advice to the world,” says Soeur André, “is never give up hope
                     no  easy  task,  to sit and marvel at its contents.   and trust in God. Stay strong even in your darkest hours, and, if you live
                     as  each  page  Every synagogue in the United  long enough, you’ll have plenty of those.”
                     is carefully laid  States should purchase one for  Darwin Porter is a monthly columnist for BoomerTimes.
                     out with coun-  its library, even if they are not
                     try and loca-  listed in it.  There  are many
                     tions noted on  stamps showing synag ogues
                     the top of each  in Israel, in the United States
                     page. It is a  and many as far away as Europe,
      com prehensive stamp digest of  Australia, the Middle East and
      postmarks and mailed envelopes.  Africa. What an amazing display.
      (Harvey told me that the actual lay-  This book is a philatelist’s            THE
      out and design was by an Israeli,  dream as I am sure that nowhere            PRINTERS
      Leshon Limudim Ltd. and printed  else in the world does such a vol-           P L U     S !
      in Israel. It is truly 5 Star quality.)  ume of postcards and first day
                                                                     2681 West McNab Road • Pompano Beach, FL 33069
        By reading this book’s Preface,  covers exist. I loved seeing the
      the Foreword, the Overview, and  pictures of the synagogues, their
      the Introduction, you will learn  architecture, interiors, along with
      so much about Jewish history. I  other related materials. It opened
      found myself fascinated and ap-  my eyes and I am sure it will do so
      preciative of what the Jewish peo-  for readers about Jewish history
      ple have been through. Harvey’s  seen through its synagogues.              Beautiful
      dedication says, “To the memory   Buy this book to add to your
      of the Jews and their synagogues  Passover’s celebration!           wholesale printing

        About the author:
         Harvey D. Wolewitz is a successful real estate entrepreneur with       to  the trade
        holdings in New York and Texas. He is proud of this book which
        displays so many important synagogues throughout the world. He
        has always been an avid stamp collector and this is his gift to the   2681 West McNab Road • Pompano Beach, FL 33069
        Jewish population. He has been gathering material for this book over   quotes  @
        fifty years. He and his wife, Louise, now reside in Surfside, Miami.
                                                                                     (954) 917-2773
      (To order this priceless book, go to
      10 / BoomerTimes & SeniorLife                                              MARCH 2021
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