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From The March Cover

                    Boomer Times Book of the Month

                    & Senior Life            Review

        Co-Authors: Melva Michaelian and Anna Carrasco Bowling
               — Reviewed by Anita Finley, Gerontologist
        I was captivated by the two  novels, but her publisher wanted
      main characters, Dominic Stew-  her to try something different. And
      art and Meg Crawford as they  this is how Meg, grudgingly, got
      seemed so real, like many of my  involved with this new situation.
      friends. That was because the au-  Some may see this as a chick flick,
      thors developed all their charac-  but there is so much more.
      ters so well. One can always tell   Dominic was totally attracted
      how a book will be a “page turner”  to Meg, first noting her sexy, red
      by the first chapter. This book will  high heels, and the rest...her atti-
      make you want to settle down and  tude, her independence, her writ-
      continue reading, putting            ing talent, all packaged
      everything else aside.               in perfect form to finish
      That’s what you’ll get               his mother’s book, some-
      when you read Chasing                thing very important to
      Prince Charming.                     him. Meg tried to push
        The two authors, Mel-              him away, keeping it pro-
      va Michaelian and Anna               fessional, but the heat of
      Carrasco Bowling, found              his persona was always
      a way to keep Meg just               in the way. Should she
      a little ahead of Dominic, who  succumb or keep it professional?
      was trying to control her. He was   The pages stay warm until they
      the boss and she was not to be  get hot, too hot to avoid. First we
      bossed, but was challenged by  see Meg as Cinderella, until we get
      his proposition...finish the book  to know her. And Dominic, can be
      that his mother started. Dominic’s  the prince that all women are look-
      mother was a well-thought-of writ-  ing for? But Meg knows better.
      er and it would take someone of   We all wish for a “happily ever
      Meg’s skill to manage this task.  after” ending and the weaving in
      Actually, the assignment came  and out of tenuous situations will   Next to Normal takes audiences into the minds
      with mixed feelings, both for the  keep the reader turning the pages,   and hearts of each character, presenting their
      work and how to deal with Domi-  faster and faster to see how they   family's story with love, sympathy and heart.
      nic, publisher, writer, handsome,  wind up.                  Next to Normal is an emotional powerhouse that
      successful, and a womanizer. Meg   I hope you enjoy this novel as I   addresses such issues as grieving a loss, ethics in
      was successful with her series of  did. It’s truly worth the read.
                                                                   modern psychiatry, and suburban life and takes
        About the author:                                            audiences into the minds and hearts of each
         Melva Michaelian taught high school and college            character, presenting their family's story with
        literature. She is very active in the Romance Writers                  love, sympathy and heart.
        in New England. She continues to write novels, short
        stories and memoirs. She also loves to travel. She
        and her husband reside in Massachusetts where she
        enjoys her four children. Anna Carrasco Bowling has
        been a writer of different genres but has settled in
        on novels about love and romance. She also writes
        a blog and was a nanny, an ear piercer and a family
        caregiver. She is active in the Romance Writers of
        America. She lives with her family in Upstate New York.
      (To purchase Chasing Prince Charming, go to

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