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Letter from the Publisher                               INSIDE & ON OUR WEBSITE

                                                                   7 Book of the Month: CHASING PRINCE CHARMING by Melva Michaelian
                         Dear Readers and Zoomertimes TV Viewers,
                           Intoxication! No, not drug or alcohol in-      and Anna Carrasco Bowling
                         toxication...but life’s intoxication, where you     8 American White Pelican
                         feel excitement, interest, energy and enthu-
                         siasm...All resulting in pleasure and happi-    9 A Healthy Mac And Cheese
                         ness. Do you wake up intoxicated with any   10 The Oldest Woman In The World
                         of these feelings? If not, why not? Person-
                         ally, I attribute it to not having a passion for   12 ChaiFlicks: Jewish And Israeli Entertainment On Demand
                         something or someone special. In the past   13 On The Road Again
        year, it has been easy to be frightened and wary of many aspects of
        life because of Covid19, but for some, it can be balanced by hav-  14 Forget-Me-Nots, Remembering Your Loved Ones!
        ing many fruitful and important things to think about. It’s been im-
        pressive of what has been the result of not being together safely.
        Zoom was a word that meant going fast like zooming past some-  I love Passover because for me it is
        thing. However, today it is a highly used form of communication via   a cry against indifference,
        YouTube, TV, or other forms of sharing conversations. Takeout         a cry for compassion.
        food has become the source of receiving and sending food, and
        FaceTime, along with other communications have  kept people                 — Elie Wiesel
        sharing everyday happenings.
                                                                         CHANGE YOUR LIFE WITH
          To keep a true perspective of what
        society is facing, all should remember                    Aim Energetic Balancing
        the Holocaust and what beautiful souls
        had to withstand and contemplate and,
        like Anne Frank, what mental capacities                     The Aim Program is a Healing Technology
        were tested. Let’s renew our kindness,                                   JOIN THOUSANDS WORLDWIDE:
        thoughtfulness, caring, forgiving, and                                    ● Increase Your Energy
        other “golden rules” to make life easier                                  ● Raise Your Consciousness
        and fill it with passion for something.
                                                                                  ● Attract Abundance
                                                                     • 702-944-1801
          Our book reviews this month are excellent and so different.
        Chasing Prince Charming, a sexy, romantic novel and Synagogue
        Stamps...An International Postage Tour of Synagogues, will keep
        you curious. You’ll want to read the exciting novel; and savor the   BoomerTimes & SeniorLife
        information of this rare postage compilation.                  
          March to the sound of your soul’s awakenings.          EST. 1990       e-mail:

          —Anita Finley, Gerontologist/Publisher                 H       JOIN NOW!           H
                                                                               Zoomertimes TV IS HERE!
                                                                        Watch and listen on Facebook, YouTube
                                                                 H                                                   H
                                                                 BoomerTimes & SeniorLife    SALES/MARKETING
                                                                 is a publication of the Senior Life   Chris Miller
                                                                 Communications Group, Inc., a Multi-  ADVERTISING-PRINT, TV,
                                                                 Media Marketing Company targeting   INTERNET, EXPO, SYMPOSIUM
                                                                 Boomers & Seniors.
                                                                 BoomerTimes & SeniorLife
                                                                 is a monthly publication distributed in  Advertisements within borders or labeled as such are
                                                                                             paid messages as are editorial materials by advertisers
                                                                 Palm Beach, Broward and parts of  not affiliated with BoomerTimes & SeniorLife
                                                                 Miami-Dade counties reaching 100,000
                                                                 boomers and active adults.  BoomerTimes & SeniorLife is not responsible for
                                                                                             claims or per for mance of advertisers or their products.
                                                                                             Copyright 2021. All rights reserved, reproduction in
                                                                  The Miami Herald inserts monthly   whole or in part without permission is prohibited.
                                                                  18,000 copies of BoomerTimes
                                                                  in Broward & N. Miami-Dade counties.
                                                                                             BoomerTimes & SeniorLife
                                                                 EXECUTIVE STAFF             1515 N. Federal Hwy., #300
                                                                                             Boca Raton, FL 33432
                                                                 Anita Finley, President, Publisher
                                                                 Dan Verity, Administrator/Webmaster  Subscriptions for one year are $25;
                                                                 Leoni Kendall, Marketing Manager  2 years $45. Canadian $40.

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