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desolation in their life will pull them down, finally, to the bottom of the
                    Blessed Are The                             pit. Thankfully, for the prospective Christ follower, this is the perfect
                                                                place to be. Here, when a man or a woman hits this lowest point and
            “NOT GOOd eNOUGh”                                   realizes that in the world’s economy, they ARE “not good enough,” or
                     By Mary Grisanty, FFM Staff Writer         “of no account,” that the Spirit and the Word of God can make their way
                                                                in. Through the power of the cross, through the blood and sacrifice of
                      Have you ever felt that you weren’t good enough?  God’s Son, we are made perfect, and counted as valued and useful to
                    Let me phrase that differently, have you ever been  the Kingdom of God.
                    made to feel that you weren’t good enough? Of   A few years ago a popular novel, “The Shack,” had what was con-
                    course you have since, at the very least, few of us  sidered by mainstream Christians a somewhat controversial message. I
                    made  it  through  Middle  or  High  School  unscathed.  never read the book but only saw the movie, and what stayed with me
                    In this world of unrealistic standards in the realm of  is not at all controversial. The persona of God in that movie said several
                    beauty, youth, money, talent, fame, etc. we have all  times in reference to this person or that, “I’m especially fond of them.”
       Mary Grisanty  experienced that sense of not being able to measure  For some reason this settled in my heart, that because of Christ, God
                    up. I will bet that many of you reading  this are still  loves the, “me,” He created, and delights in the God-first things I do.
      trying to prove to someone, dead or alive, that you are worthy, that you  Faith Farm works to send this message home; you are not a statistic,
      are enough.                                               one of many, you are a child of God and not only are you fearfully and
        For some of you, the inherent sense of not measuring up may have  wonderfully made, you, when operating within His will, are more than
      started early with your parents, or conversely, perhaps you were given  enough and an important part of God’s family. Jesus said it first and
      to understand by them that you were perfect and magnificent and when  said it best, our poverty of spirit in this world can open the door for us
      you blissfully started school you found out others didn’t share that  into the Family and inheritance of God, “Blessed are the poor in spirit,
      opinion. Maybe you made it through school as the homecoming king  for theirs is the kingdom of heaven,” Matthew 5:3.
      or queen, but then you began to compete in the work force, or maybe
      it was in your marriage, or when your kids entered adolescence. The   For more info, contact Carol Mahoney, Assistant Project Manager, at
      examples go on and on. Wherever and from whomever, few of us  (561) 737-2259 or
      navigate through this world without encountering somewhere, that   Fort Lauderdale Rescue Tabernacle Inc., d/b/a Faith Farm Ministries, is
      sense that we are not enough and will never be enough.    designated by the (IRS) as tax-exempt 501(c)(3) and contributions are tax-
        Imagine, please, the men and women who come to Faith Farm with  deductible. Federal Tax ID# 59-0774188. A copy of the official registration
      all the same baggage as most, but with the added sense of failure that  and financial information may be obtained from the Division of Consumer
      life controlling addiction brings. Time after time they’ve tried to break  Services (Registration #CH27828) by calling 1-800-help-flafree (435-7352) toll
      free, and time after time they’ve failed. The awareness of disappoint-  free within the State of Florida. Registration does not imply endorsement,
      ment in themselves and from others coupled with the total sense of  approval or recommendation by the State.

                                             From The March Cover

                                         A Healthy Mac And Cheese
      INGREDIENTS:                                              DIRECTIONS:
      •  2 Small Yukon potatoes                                 1. Produce Prep—Wash the potatoes and carrot. Chop into uniform
      •  1 Carrot                                               pieces, about ½-inch each.
      •  1 cup Red Lentil Pasta                                 2. In a large pot of boiling water, add potatoes and carrots until soft,
      •  ¼ tsp Paprika                                          about 10 minutes. Turn the heat off and remove the veggies and leave
      •  ½ tsp Mustard                                          the water in the pot (you’ll need it later in step 4). Lay the carrot and
      •  ¼ tsp Garlic powder                                    potatoes on a plate or a bowl to cool for 5 minutes.
      •  ¼ tsp Onion powder                                     3. Meanwhile, cook the pasta in another pot according to the directions
      •  3 tbsp Nutritional yeast                               on the box.
      •  ¼ tsp Turmeric                                         4. Add veggies to a blender with the paprika, mustard, garlic, onion,
      •  ½ tsp Lemon juice                                      nutritional yeast, turmeric, and lemon juice. To make it creamy, add
      •  4 cups Spinach                                         the water you used to boil the veggies, ¼ cup at a time until smooth.
      Optional                                                  Too thick? Simply add a little extra water or unsweetened non-dairy
      •  Salt & pepper, to taste  Enjoy this comfort food!      milk to thin it out.
      •  ½ tsp Chili pepper flakes                              5. Add the spinach to a serving bowl. Layer on the drained pasta and
      •  1 tsp + 1 pinch Cumin                                  top off with creamy “cheese” sauce. Add a sprinkle of salt and pepper
                                                                to taste and optional chili flakes.
      MARCH 2021                                                         BoomerTimes & SeniorLife / 9
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