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South Florida’s Celebrity Author Shares Her Novels
         Rose Mary Stiffin, Ph.D. was raised and educated in Indianola, Mississippi, the hometown of the blues legend, BB King. She
        received her Bachelor of Art degree in Chemistry from Mississippi Valley State University (1974), her Master of Science degree
        in Organic Chemistry from Mississippi State University (1981), and her Ph.D. (Biochemistry) from the University of Tennessee in
        Memphis (1995). She did her post-doctoral work at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee. She is the
        Chair of the Division of Health and Natural Sciences at Florida Memorial University, a small HBCU located in Miami Gardens, FL.

              From The December Cover

                    Boomer Times Book of the Month

                    & Senior Life            Review

                      WALK IN BETHEL                                GROOVIN’ ON THE HALF SHELL...
       Author: Rose Mary Stiffin, Ph.D. — Reviewed by Anita Finley, Gerontologist  A NOVEL...THE BIOGRAPHY OF
        We are very privileged to be able  and love of family. Nashville is  BLUESMAN CARL MURRAY
      to share the current books that Dr.  Reverend Carl Thompson’s wife;  Author: Rose Mary Stiffin, Ph.D. — Reviewed by Anita Finley, Gerontologist
      Stiffin has written. We chose the  she secretly considers prayers to   I still find it difficult to believe that  nicely, with respect, kindness and
      first one, Walk in Bethel, to be on  be no more than wishes yet believes   there really wasn’t a Blues singer  appreciation for one another. There
      our cover and to make it the De-  that God walks the Earth. Though   named Carl Murray. I even looked it  are many twists and turns and the
      cember “Book of the Month” and  she’s witnessed brutality, she’s also  up on Google, hoping to find such  major one was when Carl met a
      her others, “Publisher’s Choices.”   seen equality and human kindness.  a man who was from Mississippi  sassy and sexy woman, Jassa-
        As I told Dr. Stiffin, her novel  Returning from her Christian duty who spent most of his adult life in  mae Freeman. The reader sees it
      could be a TV show as it moves so  to call upon the infirm—in this case  Memphis. No luck! But this novel  as his having an affair, then mov-
      fast, has many poignant situations  Belle Washington, a child-bride and  made its characters so real that I  ing on. But not Carl. When he got
      and her characters are                 runaway who has lost  am  still  not  positive           Jessamae  pregnant,
      so well developed that                 another child, Nashville  about Carl!                    his dream of children
      they seem very real.                   is dragged into a cotton   As a fan of Blues             became a reality, so
        Bethel is in Mississippi             field by two depraved  music, I totally en-              nothing would do but
      and much of the dia-                   white youths, the Fer- joyed Carl’s charac-              he convinced his wife
      logue has the charac-                  guson brothers and  ter, both as a family                and Jessamae to be-
      ters speaking southern                 would have been bru- man and as a musi-                  come part of his family.
      and the flow continues                 tally raped if it weren’t  cian. He was such a             Carl Murray “shocked
      throughout the begin-                  for Mike Poe fend- romantic and caring                   society and broke
      ning chapters. This 441-               ing off her attackers.   person, yet the title           the  laws  of  decency
      page novel is divided up               Their desperate trek   says it so well...he              by  not  only  falling  in
      into three books, with                 home is fraught with  had two  pearls: one               love with Jessamae
      many chapters in each book. These  terror as they try to avoid the   wife and one mistress,     but taking his mis-
      books are used as a separation of  revenge-seeking  brothers. The  both of them in love with him and  tress into the bosom of his   To read this entire article, go to
      what has happened to the various  chaos  leads to a desperate sin  with each other. He married a very  home.”  The  twists  and  turns of
      characters as they aged and  found  without measure and conse quen-  young Mississippi virgin, Gertrude,  each chapter keep the reader spell-
      themselves in new circumstances.  ces that will follow them to their   with no experience as a wife but  bound with exciting but some-
        The back cover of Walk in Bethel  graves.  Years  later, when Nash-  her innate intelligence made her a  times heartbreaking scenarios.
      summarizes quite succinctly the  ville’s daughter, Allene, marries   perfect partner for Carl who had  Dr. Stiffin, the author, was our
                                                                big dreams of success as a singer  “Publisher’s Choice” with her book
      essence of what the reader is about  Robert Sutton, a man with a mur-  with his PLAN as to how he would  Reflections in our November issue.
      to enjoy. “A return of the Southern  derous past, she’ll have no idea   accomplish it. His success was go-  She is a very talented novelist and
      Gothic tradition and a testimony in  what truth will haunt him and what   ing according to plan, except his  I highly recommend that you read
      her Southern roots, author Rose  fate will provide. This unforgetta-  plan for having children was not  every book she writes. That is why
      Mary Stiffin’s debut novel Walk in  ble saga links three families, sever-  happening.  we are featuring four of her books
      Bethel is an earthy spellbinding  al generations, and is ultimately a  Segregation and integration was  in our December issue. It will make
      drama set in the sweltering Missis-  story of survival, “for what we can  handled very well. Carl and Gertrude  having to be at home with COVID-13
      sippi Delta.” With skeletons in the  forgive is what we must never  tried to find a job when they moved  easier to manage.
      closet and a myriad of back porch  for get.” This is a perfect reason to  from a small town and explained   Here is one of the testimoni-
      speculations, Stiffin writes in the  turn off the TV and sit down with a   what it was like for a black man and  als: “Rose Stiffin uses her wit and
      vernacular of a multi-family epic that  good book. It will provide you with   woman to live in the South in the  imagination to pen her wonder-
      describes the darkest passages of  all the chatter and make you relish   1940s. It also inserted what Jew-  ful ideas.  Groovin’ is her latest
      the human ear, as well as the well-lit  your own life.    ish business people went through.  achievement. It is a must read.”
      corridors of freedom, forgiveness                         The Murray’s lives intertwined so  Jacques Bonenfant, MBA, Ph.D.
      (To purchase WALK IN BETHEL, go to           (To purchase GROOVIN’ ON THE HALF SHELL, go to
      6 / BoomerTimes & SeniorLife                                           DECEMBER 2020
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