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Author: Rose Mary Stiffin, Ph.D. — Reviewed by Anita Finley, Gerontologist Author: Rose Mary Stiffin, Ph.D. — Reviewed by Anita Finley, Gerontologist
A Winter Friend is Dr. Stiffin’s will have to take a deep breath to I have been so excited to read with crack cocaine or marijuana,
third novel we are featuring here see where it is leading. Yes, there Dr. Stiffin’s books, especially but after you read how people
and she continues to invent more are many characters that are intro- during the holidays. Her stories can get so mixed up with these
with every passing day. I must duced, but one whom will play a are better than many of the deadly substances, it will open
say that every one of her novels very important part in Connie and television shows and there is your eyes. It did mine. I am still
I have had the pleasure of read- her family’s future life. The final peace and quiet, while sitting in disbelief that someone as so-
ing has brought me such joy and book chapter ends on June 12 , in a comfortable chair. Of all phisticated and scientific as the
relaxation, something I need in to- years and possibilities later.
day’s world. When I first spoke to Many of Dr. Stiffin’s stories her books that I read, however, author understands each of these
Dr. Stiffin, she was articulate and have people who hurt some- Casino Blues was the deepest fictitious characters as though
very passionate about one which intensifies and scariest with plots coming they lived inside of her. Maybe
my reviewing all of her the reader’s emotions, out of nowhere, unexpected they did and that is why she had
current novels, not just and the anger and dis- treachery and behind the to release them into the world.
one which we usually do appointment usually scenes scenarios. Many people don’t ob-
each month. I hope I have evolves into a hero who One of the skills that serve or understand how
adequately expressed in doesn’t quite ride up on Dr. Stiffin has acquired fertility can play such an
each review I wrote, the a white horse, but it is character develop- important part in a cou-
suspense, the deep feel- would be nice if that ment. I have spoken to ple’s life, but the shame
ings that her words gave happened. As A Winter many major publication is that too many young
to her characters, and the happy Friend moves along, the original
and sometimes turbulent expe- family’s kids are now part of the houses and they all say people get pregnant so
riences that swept over many of actions, which provide another set that although there are casually, consider abor-
their circumstances. of characters. I am so impressed many excellent plots, the char- tion, and then those who des-
A Winter Friend is about how with the character development acters don’t come to life...they perately want a child, can’t con-
circumstances that evolve by in the author’s novels. That is don’t seem real. That has not been ceive. One of her main characters,
people’s actions often bring out a the main reason that they flow the case with this author as she Angelo, is struggling with sterility
variety of emotions and can cause along and are so believable. makes them pop off each page! and it affects his new romance
irreparable damage that sets the The title of the book emphasiz- One of the many testimonials with Belinda. We wonder what
stage for situations that they nor- es summer friends versus winter says it so succinctly: “Through will happen, so we read on.
mally don’t have any control over. friends. When you find even one exquisite narrative and intimate Dr. Stiffin understands how to
This was the case with Connie, winter friend, that is the essence native knowledge of the Missis- get a reader to not put her books
the heroine, a mother and her five of a perfect match. In the back
children who found themselves of the book, the author proposes sippi Delta, Stiffin takes us on a down. She puts up roads with
alone and almost destitute after discussion questions which help journey to terrifying places as we twists and turns and more like
her husband left them because book clubs as well as the reader experience the full impact of the a roller coaster, when you think
of his despair. I was happy to see to better interpret what the book is choices made by each member you are going down, you are
he changed his mind and he was meant to impart, in all its happy and of a family as they try to pull really on the way up again. In all
coming home to work it out. sad experiences, Dr. Stiffin does a together to face loss, sacrifice, our lives, we know people like the
Bang! Then another unforeseen wonderful job with these emotions. murder, sadness, hopelessness, author’s characters, but do we
accident changed all that. And he Here is one of many testimonials and the accidental if not miracu- really know them?
will never be coming home! of A Winter Friend: “An inspiring lous act of a scared stranger that This book and all of Dr. Stiffin’s
The author tells us the dates that tale both from tragedy, disappoint- gave life a fighting chance. Casino five books are really a treasury
each chapter’s story runs, starting ment, hope and perseverance. A Blues is a page turner, tear jerker; of excellence and I hope you
her book on January 31 . So much great work of fiction. Dr. Stiffin
has happened by February 3 that has shown that her work maintains it is a book one must read.” buy all or even just one. You will
moves life’s challenges along, you depth and credibility.” I don’t have much experience be well satisfied.
(To purchase A WINTER FRIEND, go to (To purchase CASINO BLUES, go to
DECEMBER 2020 BoomerTimes & SeniorLife / 7