Page 128 - Love Story of a Commando
P. 128

as shown by GPS crosses their paths.’ Virat gestured towards the training
                                   Major Tushar narrowed his eyes and thought deeply. He exhaled and
                           said slowly, ‘Brother, my blood is boiling too and had it not been for this
                           girl, my rifle would have fired bullets by now irrespective of the fact that we
                           stand no chances of survival here. Tell me what to do?’
                                   The air was completely still. No wind was blowing. I felt them torn
                           between saving my life versus protecting our great nation. No, I am not a
                           coward and the lives of hundreds and thousands of my countrymen mattered
                           more  than  mine.  Who  knows  what  havoc  those  deadly  terrorists  would
                           cause? How could these patriots even think about me for a second?
                                   There was only one answer to this situation—fight and hope to win!
                                   ‘No!’ I growled, breaking the silence which had paralyzed everyone.
                                   ‘I know nothing about military ethics and tactics, but I have survived
                           forty-eight hours in these woods full of deadly creatures and even deadlier
                           people.  Your  job  is  to  protect  the  nation  and  there  should  be  no  second
                           thought about it.’ I could feel the firmness in my voice and their complete
                           attention on me.
                                   ‘Take your chances,’ I said again after a brief pause.
                                   They took a second to decide their next course of action and Major
                           Tushar said, ‘Alright then! Let’s gear up, being the gentlemen that we are,
                           we cannot disappoint a lady, even if that means she may get killed.’ He let
                           out a soft laugh.
                                   ‘I  really  don’t  see  any  other  way  out  here,  so  to  complete  this
                           mission, we have to fight our way through it. But in all circumstances, we
                           have  to  keep  our  identities  secret  and  we  have  the  orders  of  destroying
                           everything  in  case  of  failure.  That  means  while  we  will  fight  till  our  last
                           breath, you will be shot down by us if you plan to flee the scene only to be
                           found  by  the  enemy  sooner  or  later,  to  be  raped,  tortured  and  murdered
                           brutally as  a matter of  fact.’ Major Tushar  showed  absolutely no  emotion
                           while saying all these things.
                                   ‘And you, Virat, you will shoot her if the mission fails,’ said Major
                                   ‘What?’ Virat was shocked.
                                   ‘Yes! Just so you don’t plan to rescue her or do anything stupid if
                           somebody else tries to take her out. Take it as an order from the Officer in
                           Command here,’ Major Tushar growled.
                                   ‘But…I…no!’ Virat was shaken.
                                   ‘That is an order, Commando. Do you get it?’ Major Tushar growled
                                   ‘I…’ Virat was still, eyes transfixed.
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