Page 130 - Love Story of a Commando
P. 130

‘Can  I  lead  from  the  front  too?  I  am  very  good  with  rifles,’  Virat
                                   ‘Captain,  I  know  NSG  commandos  have  magnificent  target  strike
                           rates but entering enemy jungles and assaulting these moles is basically a
                           para job. Also, we need the best expertise with these machines and the best
                           team with the launcher! They are our best hope. I am banking on the havoc
                           and smoke this beast can create. It will provide the best possible support to
                           our surgical strikes.’ Major Tushar smiled for the first time.
                                   ‘Also, you need to be very agile with the M4 launcher to clear the
                           obstacles and neutralize the enemy.  Aim first at the barracks and ammos;
                           once it’s destroyed and we’ve smoked them out, fire at your will. The same
                           goes for everyone. We aim for a swift all-clear strike. Aim quickly, terminate
                           and  move!  And  yes,  we  don’t  leave  our  friends  behind.  It’s  all  or  none!’
                           Major Tushar issued the final orders.
                                   Then he asked, ‘How’s the josh?’
                                   ‘High, sir!’ they all replied in unison. He asked it two more times and
                           they replied in the same way. The air was still but charged. Everybody was
                           stunned for a moment. There was adrenaline running inside us, ushering us
                           toward the apocalypse.
                                   All or none!
                                   Everybody took their position. Virat pulled out the rocket launcher,
                           loaded up a rocket and placed another at his feet, ready for a second load-up.
                           While I cowered behind the boulder beside him, just like always. They all
                           looked at each other and nodded with an appreciation in their eyes for each
                           other, for  their comrades and brothers-in-arms who  had their backs in the
                           time of need. The emotions surrounding us showed an acute awareness of
                           the shadow of death.
                                   Virat broke the silence, ‘Okay! Let’s do it.’
                                   The commandos lowered their TAR-21 rifles at eye level and waited.
                           Virat took aim towards the barracks, and fired the launcher. The rocket made
                           a whistling sound and smashed into the first barrack’s walls.
                                   The explosive impact shook the earth and a cloud of smoke engulfed
                           the ear-tearing blasts . It echoed across the forest and the commandos opened
                           fire, sending a hail of bullets towards the shocked enemies. There was an
                           explosion,  followed  by  a  swirl  of  dust  as  the  barrack  collapsed,  leaving
                           behind rubble with some terrorists trapped inside. The lead team stepped out
                           of their positions and inched forward towards the smoke, dust, and broken
                           buildings. The second and third rockets destroyed the rest of the barracks
                           completely.  There  broke  out  a  horrendous  fire,  thick  smoke,  flames  and
                           intense heat in the surrounding jungle. It was impossible to see in that dark
                           jungle  but  it  proved  to  be  a  boon  for  the  commandos  outnumbered  by
                           militants everywhere.
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