Page 135 - Love Story of a Commando
P. 135

ever happened in my life. This is what I feel about you and dream about us.
                           If you can categorize it as love then yes, I love you too,’ he said earnestly.
                                   I was speechless and tears started rolling down my cheeks.
                                   I sobbed and then we slept together only to face nasty stares from the
                           nurse the next morning. But Virat looked much better. I kissed his head and
                           left  for  my  ward.  It  only  took  a  couple  of  days  for  all  formalities  to  be
                           completed and we were released from the hospital.
                                   Virat  joined  the  Presidential  Staff  and  I  was  back  in  Delhi.  My
                           parents  were  glad  and  I  realized  there  is  nothing  like  home.  Even  Gupta
                           aunty looked sweet.
                                   The  fourth  innings  of  our  unconventional  romance  was  thankfully
                           without any adventure and we took our sweet little time to date and explore
                           each  other.  We  did  not  leave  a  cafe,  restaurant  or  discotheque  in  the  city
                           unexplored.  We  sipped  coffees,  ate  street  food,  indulged  in  shopping,
                           watched first day first show movies and did every single clichéd thing that
                           couples are supposed to do.
                                   And  that  included  lots  of  lovemaking  too,  at  his  place  of  course,
                           though I still rate lovemaking amidst fire and in the jungle, better.
                                   We  continued  to  date  for  a  year  and  also  visited  Tral  during  the
                           summer. The school was rebuilt and provided with full-time special security
                           and grants, now that the prime minister was taking a personal interest. It had
                           become  a  model  school,  always  visited  by  dignitaries.  It  also  resulted  in
                           increased media attention and increased income for the locals.
                                   I took along many gifts for the kids, Susan, Mr Khan and everybody
                           else who embraced me when I needed them the most. The kids were thrilled
                           to see me.
                                   Virat had the option of staying at one of his guest houses there but
                           Mr Khan offered us the very same cottage where I had spent a lot of time
                           being  miserable.  The  single  bed  actually  broke  when  Virat  tried  to
                           accommodate himself on  it,  taking  me  down  with  him.  We  laughed  for  a
                           very long time. We explored Kashmir a little more and decided to come back
                           every year.
                                   This heaven on Earth would always be special for us.
                                   When my so-called frequent ‘official visits’ became too much for my
                           parents, they began to ask me if I had found a man. I told them about Virat.
                           The exceptionally suave (when he wished to be) and well settled boy stole
                           my parents’ hearts instantly, and soon after Virat presented me to his parents
                           in full sanskari mode. I touched their feet and his mother hugged me real
                           tight. For  them, I  was  a miracle who  would  fulfil their long-held wish  of
                           seeing their son married and having grandkids.
                                   I did not mind, because this was my ultimate plan, but of course only
                           in the future.
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